[-empyre-] the act of forgetting

Christiane Robbins cpr at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 13 03:34:33 EST 2011

There is an impressive lineage of critical inquiry into these  
histories of Los Angeles that marks the past 20 years.  These range  
from not only cinematic narrative ( feature, independent,  
experimental) but to authors such as Mike Davis ( City of Quartz,  
Ecology of Fear, etc.) and Norman Klein ( The History of Forgetting ),  
the public art practice of CLUI ( Center for Land Use Interpretation)  
and to the photographic practices of artists such as Alan Sekula - to  
mention only but four.



On Mar 12, 2011, at 2:39 AM, Simon Biggs wrote:

> Roman Polanski's "Chinatown" portrays the kind of events you mention  
> in your
> earlier post about trains and water, how people take control and the  
> affects
> of that upon those caught up in events. His most recent film, "Ghost  
> Writer"
> updates the theme. It's part of the role of artists to ensure we don't
> forget.
> Best
> Simon
> On 12/03/2011 05:56, "Joel Tauber" <joeltauber at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Although we are all bombarded by seemingly endless amounts of  
>> imagery and
>> “news”, I am convinced that we are also all suffering from  
>> information
>> deprivation, and in a multiplicity of ways.  While media  
>> conglomerates and
>> government powers shield information from us continually – and spin  
>> the
>> information that we are being fed – I think we are also all guilty of
>> collectively forgetting our histories.  Information is ignored even  
>> when we
>> have access to it.   Certain things are just too difficult to face.
>> Government
>> handouts, unregulated corporations, corporate takeovers of the  
>> media and of
>> the government, industry’s devastation of the environmentS  These  
>> are very
>> old stories.  Why should we be surprised by these things when they  
>> continue
>> to happen?  How can we continue to allow them to occur?
> Simon Biggs
> simon at littlepig.org.uk
> http://www.littlepig.org.uk/
> s.biggs at eca.ac.uk
> http://www.elmcip.net/
> http://www.eca.ac.uk/circle/
> Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland,  
> number SC009201
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