[-empyre-] Will Pappenheimer self-Intro

xDxD.vs.xDxD xdxd.vs.xdxd at gmail.com
Tue May 3 07:42:30 EST 2011

Hello everyone,

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 8:25 PM, John Craig Freeman <
John_Craig_Freeman at emerson.edu> wrote:

> Hi Conor, Nice work, I think that this is another aspect of the virtual
> public sphere, which I wrote about earlier, and AR provides an avenue to
> access and intervene in political discourse though it. Your work is a good
> example of this.

one more project which you might find interesting in this is "Ubiquitous


we did this with professor Massimo Canevacci in Brasil, with the Bororo
living in Mato Grosso: an AR and location based project (meaning that the
most popular version of the project was the one displaying things on a map
instead than on the phone's viewfinder) researching on a next step for
Ethnographic writing.

a wonderful thing happened during the project.

the Bororo are not represented in brazilian government. As soon as it was
clear that with these tools they could write on the world ubiquitously,
people produced digital media featuring their political claims that was
tagged onto the governmental buildings in Brasilia and onto the building of
the faculty of anthropology in San Paulo.

it was perfectly clear that no-one of the government would have ever
bothered getting their iPhone to actually look at the content, but it has
been a very powerful and symbolic action for everyone involved. And it
opened up entirely new scenarios for a population which is really in a tight


Salvatore Iaconesi

salvatore.iaconesi at artisopensource.net
xdxd.vs.xdxd at gmail.com
salvatore at fakepress.net

skype: xdxdVSxdxd
Art is Open Source

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