[-empyre-] Wearable Technologies: Cross-disciplinary Ventures”

danielle wilde d at daniellewilde.com
Fri May 27 11:36:08 EST 2011

I'm happy to respond, but I'm not sure I understand your question - are you
asking what terminologies I use to describe practices related to the concept
of second skin? can you possibly clarify a little?
many thanks

On 25 May 2011 23:17, Melinda Rackham <melinda at subtle.net> wrote:

> hi all,
>  nice to see so many colleague so in one discussion and thanks for your
> posts! Hope to catch up with many in Istanbul in September.
> I hadnt realized it was so late in the month already and ive been wanting
> to jump in and ask a few questions-- particularly on the snippets below..
> the concept of the second skin idea is one close to my interests- not just
> as a wearable skin, an augmentation, a spectacle or a projection- and *danielle,
> i'd like to hear what more specific terminologies you are using to describe
> these practices..*
> -  but as a transference/shift/energetic placement/emmanance of the self or
> selves , at once somewhere and elsewhere, be that in material architectural
> public space, virtual electronic public space, emotional & sensory space, or
> the space of vibrational energetic connection.
> if the skin is sense organ shifting between internal and external spaces,
> how do wearables transfer sensory information back into the bodies they
> cling to? perhaps the lack up uptake susan refers to  has something to do
> with their functionality of displaying external signals rather than
> facilitate a two way dialogue.. making them producers of spectacle rather
> than transactional devices.. oh and on the practical side -bulky batteries.
> bio wearables were mentioned early in the discussion but disappeared and I
> am thinking back to Mitchells Whitelaws wonderful book MetaCreation: art and
> artificial life- and the way he  describes the coevolution of sensing organs
> - the receivers and the generators needing to be precisely matched to
> function - the correct codec for coding and decoding to appear
> simultaneously..
> i'm imagining a future of wearables that work on electrodermal activity,
> that feed both off and back into the body and the bodies, environments and
> networks around them - and i'm DEFINITELY NOT thinking along the lines of
> the old "father of cybersex" stahl stenslie's full-body, tele-tactile
> communication system -cyberSM of 1993. We should have come a long way in
> this area in 20 years -- but have we?
> warmest flu addled regards,
>                    Melinda
> Dr Melinda Rackham
> Contemporary Artforms Curator
> Partner Curator Royal Institution of Australia
> Adjunct Professor RMIT University
> On 06/05/2011, at 6:39 AM, Janis Jefferies wrote:
>  Fashion and wearable technology have as their departure point the ability
>> to act as second skins interfaces to a world in which we live and breathe
>> and listen through the entire epidermis as Sabine Seymour describes at the
>> the beginning of this text.
> On 07/05/2011, at 8:21 PM, danielle wilde wrote:
>  in my own work I have moved away from the use of the term wearables as I
>> feel it has so many connotations that it's difficult to pin down exactly to
>> what it refers, it is therefore very difficult to know if or how frameworks
>> align.
> On 11/05/2011, at 7:16 AM, Susan Ryan wrote:
>  And performances have both insides (the phenomenology of wearing
>> something) and outsides.
>> How do wearable technologies fit into that history of everyday
>> performativity that fashion itself has written?
> and On 18/05/2011,
> I also wonder if the general lack of adventurousness in wearable technology
> means we are still just reticent to grant the status of complex discourse to
> dress.
> On 25/05/2011, at 5:11 AM, Johannes Birringer wrote:
>  “what emanates from the body and what emanates from the architectural
>> surround intermixes” [Arakawa&Gins],
>> but what exactly are these emanations, how do you describe them, in
>> psychological/emotional terms, or in economic terms
>> or in terms of social relations that are virtually/tenuously or more
>> deliberately and even profoundly stitched and cross-patched?
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