[-empyre-] OSW: open source writing in the network

xDxD.vs.xDxD xdxd.vs.xdxd at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 23:18:25 EST 2012

Hello everyone

Adam was saying:
> Considering these issues, I am finding that game design should be looking
> through interaction design lenses now, as a means for cracking the
> problem apart - we need to become more ethnographic, more
> anthropological, more collaborative, more iterative in our design
> practices.
> This has run headlong into the structural issues that Simon notes -
> traditional developers and publishers have serious problems integrating
> these approaches into a business model predicated on secrecy, distrust of
> players and the absolute control of intellectual property rights.

this is one focal point, as the well-being of people *now* is tightly
connected to finding ways for sustainability and, in that, largely economic

One of the ways is to use alternative definitions for "value", in which
several other parameters go hand-in-hand with money, referring to culture,
emotions, environment and general well-being, according to its possible
definitions (btw: there is a general raise in interest in the definition of
"well-being", even at the level of organizations such as the EU or of
massive corporations such as General Electric)

Nancy Baym, Kate Crawford, and Mary L. Gray have just been hired by
Microsoft Research labs, who are "investing in postdocs, PhD internships,
and visitors with the hope of supporting social scientists who are asking
critical socio-technical questions about the rise of new technologies."

change is everywhere, and it is pushed forward by the continuous
conversation (however conflictual) between all parties involved.

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