[-empyre-] OSW: open source writing in the network

Dmytri Kleiner dk at trick.ca
Mon Jan 16 00:21:28 EST 2012

On 15.01.2012 13:54, Dmytri Kleiner wrote:

> It's not  much of a surprise that many of the films actually funded 
> by
> Kickstarter

Sorry, this sentence seems to have been unfinished. What I meant to 
type was:

It's not  much of a surprise that many of the films actually funded by 
Kickstarter have small budgets and even so, are not exclusively "open 
source," but often employ restrictive copyright terms.

I should have extended that thought to the next section on open source 
writing, pointing out that the most widely read "open source" writers, 
such as Wu Ming, Cory Doctorow, Jim Munroe, etc, do not really publish 
their works under terms that either Rob or I would consider "open" due 
to non-commercial terms used in the licences. As this illustrates, that 
these writers remain dependant on the commercial publishers to whome the 
license their works under non-free terms. Thus, the "new business 
models" to wich Rob refers are not even sufficient for the best known 
writers Free Culture has produced.


Dmytri Kleiner


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