[-empyre-] "Urban resilience"

Ana Valdés agora158 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 22:12:46 EST 2012

That's the spirit, Ethel! To pose questions is often more creative than
tell answers :)
He or she who answers have a tendence to interpret facts and believe there
are answers. I think creative questions are far more complex than give
I think this is -empyre's and other forum's role in the polyphonic society
as Mikhjail Bachtin described, the place where all voices were heard and
where there was many parallell discourses.

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Ethel Baraona Pohl <ethel.baraona at gmail.com
> wrote:

> I just found this article:
> http://criticalenvironmentalism.org/2012/01/19/occupy/
> And I really liked the idea they express when pointing *"This thing,
> this occupation is an idea as much as it is an act. It is an idea that no
> one place or group can own. It is an inhabit-able idea, an enact-able idea.
> It is a platform. A recipe."* —Kamen asked how can we map that out? So
> for me, relating the article with previous comments, emerges the question
> if it is possible to "map ideas" and how we can use the generated knowledge
> to create new resilient urban environments.
> Ana has shared with us also some historical and interesting examples about
> resilience (and also resistance), and is interesting to think what can we
> learn from those situations and which responses can be translated and
> improved for the current moment. Have we learned something or are we in a
> cyclical and permanent state of urban experimentation?
> As you have seen, I always have more questions than answers... so let's
> think about it!
> Best,
> Ethel
> ---
> Ethel Baraona Pohl | dpr-barcelona <http://www.dpr-barcelona.com/>
> twitter @ethel_baraona <https://twitter.com/ethel_baraona>46 | about.me<http://about.me/ethel_baraona>
> ethel.baraona at gmail.com
> (+34) 626 048 684
> *Before you print think about the environment*
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 3:49 AM, Kamen Nedev <kamennedev at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Antonas,
>> On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Antonas Office <antonasoffice at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > The appearance of an already deconstructed field, a non hegemonic, not
>> > hierarchically structured multiplicity of fragments, described by
>> Negri, can
>> > propose different strategies of resistance. I believe that resilience
>> fits
>> > to a theoretical background where resistance is no longer possible. It
>> is
>> > not applicable if no power is obvious. Resistance is an old word that
>> > corresponds to naive powers: new powers can hide and cannot be
>> resisted. But
>> > it seems that from a strategic point of view we need to reinvent
>> resistance,
>> > to unveil anew the hidden hegemonic powers that lay under this
>> appearance of
>> > the multitude.
>> Good point(s). This brings to mind some of the first publications by
>> the Critical Art Ensemble ("Electronic Civil Disobedience", etc.).
>> While everyone in that field was working under the fascination with a
>> certain techno-utopian idea of being "nomadic" (only slightly premised
>> on some serious misreadings of Deleuze and Guattari), C.A.E. were
>> arguing that what had become global, nomadic and yet ubiquitius, was
>> power itself. "Resistance" had no choice but to follow suit.
>> Have power structures become resilient, then?
>> But I like your suggestion that, in this non-hegemonic multiplicity,
>> hegemonic power structures are most likely interiorised. So acts of
>> resistance need to also go in that direction.
>> But, how can we map that out (without getting stuck in Foucault, I
>> mean...)
>> Best,
>> Kamen
>> --
>> http://www.waitingforcargo.net
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your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always
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— Leonardo da Vinci
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