[-empyre-] reclaiming

Ethel Baraona Pohl ethel.baraona at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 20:02:23 EST 2012

Just sharing a project that may be related to all that Pablo has explained
about Fukushima:

*We Are All Radioactive* is an innovative experiment in online filmmaking
that integrates storytelling, fundraising, and awareness-raising. I'm
thinking on how this communication tools can be (or not) helpful to get
people aware of the situation and create new
resistance/resilient/recalcitrant/reclaiming movements.

Any thoughts?

Ethel Baraona Pohl | dpr-barcelona <http://www.dpr-barcelona.com/>
twitter @ethel_baraona <https://twitter.com/ethel_baraona> |
ethel.baraona at gmail.com
(+34) 626 048 684

*Before you print think about the environment*

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 4:30 AM, Ana Valdés <agora158 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Pablo, great map, thanks for sharing it! And I think it should be great if
> you wrote something about your book and your project Situation Room, a
> really collective book :) with my foreword and edited by Ethel's publishing
> house DPR!
> It was a book preceding your stay in Japan and your work with the
> nuclear...
> Ana
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 3:38 AM, Pablo de Soto <pablodesoto at gmail.com>wrote:
>> hola Ricardo et all
>> last year we did an of incomplete map of student actions in Europe:
>> http://hackitectura.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/B-side.jpg
>> the idea was to visualize the highlighs and most creative students
>> actions from book block to the temporary squatting of very iconic monuments
>> we did not have time (it was a 3 days workhop) or the enough network
>> capacity to make the global map, including the very intense squatting
>> actions in America all along from California to Chile
>> best
>> pablo
>> El 6 de marzo de 2012 15:24, rrdominguez2 <rrdominguez at ucsd.edu>escribió:
>>  Hola all,
>>> While I can appreciate the exit culture of performing recalcitrance,
>>> which at least for me recalls Herman Melville's "Bartleby, the
>>> Scrivener: A Story of Wall-street" with his mantra of "I would prefer
>>> not to" - the urban capabilities that enable those who are less powerful to
>>> reroute around the recalcitrance of those in power to change or delete
>>> themselves - is connected to another "R" word (we seem to be enjoying the
>>> impulse of alliteration): reclaiming. Performing reclamation of spaces that
>>> dislocate and add to the entanglements of "recalcitrance", "resilience",
>>> "resistance" has been an important trajectory for recoding the flows
>>> between the country side and the urbanscape - specifically for me the
>>> gestures of the Zapatistas, since 1994, to reclaim land and the city as an
>>> intercontinental process. In fact they enact the reclaiming the planet as a
>>> whole.
>>> Here at UCSD students, labor, and faculty have been performing the
>>> reclamation of spaces that the UC system says it can no longer afford -
>>> libraries and student study areas in the last couple of years. At this
>>> moment the UCSD Chancellor space has been reclaimed as well. As a study
>>> area for students. By reclaiming space, and time (study-time), as not being
>>> an "occupation" shifted the response by the UCSD police and the
>>> Administration. To what degree then can urban capabilities function as
>>> sites for reclaiming what has been condemned into less than ruins by the
>>> violence of financial weapon for the Forth World War (as the Zapatistas
>>> like to say) by not only staying in the city - but reaching out beyond its
>>> walls of the smart city to the even smarter site of country where
>>> "recalcitrance", "resilience", "resistance" has been developing as well and
>>> perhaps even longer - as networks to reclaim the ruins of system yet to be
>>> built.
>>> http://narcosphere.narconews.com/notebook/jessica-davies/2010/02/zapatistas-reclaim-mother-earth
>>> http://reclaimucsd.wordpress.com/2012/03/03/statement-of-intentions/
>>> Thousands of students and activists marched on the state Capitol on
>>> Monday
>>> http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-protest-20120306,0,718441.story
>>> My very best to all,
>>> Ricardo Domingue
>>> http://bang.calit2.net
>>> On 3/5/12 9:07 PM, Ana Valdés wrote:
>>> There are many of you who named Olav Westphalen and his research at
>>> Mejan, Kungliga Högskolan i Stockholm, the Royal Academy for Fine Arts,
>>> here comes the invitation for a seminar about it. A pity I am not in
>>> Stockholm now.
>>> Ana
>>> Welcome to *Performing Recalcitrance,* a week-long public programme
>>> taking place at Kungl. Konsthögskolan | Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm
>>> between March 24 and March 30, 2012.
>>> *Performing Recalcitrance* comprises performances, lectures and
>>> workshops. It serves as the public culmination of a thematic cluster of
>>> courses and academic events around recalcitrance, which are being held
>>> throughout the academic year at Kungl. Konsthögskolan | Royal Institute of
>>> Art. But it is also its own symposium, festival and meeting point for
>>> discussion.
>>> While "resistance" and "revolt" are commonly employed as positive terms,
>>> "recalcitrance" has overwhelmingly negative connotations. The current
>>> definition of the word "recalcitrance" dates back to the 17th century
>>> (Fr. *récalcitrant*, lit. "kicking back," 17c.-18c.). It defines a
>>> stubborn, obstinate, at times even passive-aggressive or lazy attitude.
>>> Nevertheless, it seems to be an appropriate description of the nature of
>>> certain current social and political confrontations. This programme
>>> explores the role of obstinate refusal in contemporary art and society,
>>> including the academic setting. It asks whether, under certain
>>> circumstances, recalcitrance could be a meaningful attitude and whether the
>>> performance of recalcitrance can be a useful artistic and social tool.
>>> *Performing Recalcitrance* highlights a range of artistic practices
>>> through works produced for the programme as well as in talks and workshops.
>>> The members of the Berlin-based artist's group *Maiden Monsters* decide
>>> to withdraw from any protest movement and stay in bed. They invite us to a
>>> private encounter with art history and the women's rights movements, but
>>> only after having undergone an initiation ritual. Israeli artist *Omer
>>> Krieger* of Public Movement stages a collective performance,
>>> scrutinizing codes of conduct, legislative texts and the aesthetics of
>>> protest movements in the Swedish context. *Klas Eriksson* sets up a
>>> temporary, unauthorized McDonald's branch on the museum island Skeppsholmen
>>> in Central Stockholm, turning the logic of the standardized and optimized
>>> production line inside out. *Michael Smith* will speak about his role
>>> as an American recalcitrant within mainstream popular culture, such as
>>> sit-coms and commercial films over the last three decades. Filmmaker *Eyal
>>> Sivan* will show a selection of his films and comment on his work, a
>>> critique of nationalism and the politics of memory. *Khaled Hourani*,
>>> artist and founder of the art academy in Ramallah, will speak about his
>>> project "Picasso in Palestine", which brought a "Modernist masterpiece" to
>>> Palestine for the first time. *Valeria Graziano* discusses the role of
>>> procrastination in a culture of entrepreneurship, constantly inducing us to
>>> produce value. *Geert Lovink* will focus on the role of recalcitrance
>>> in online media and speak about debate and anonymity on the net. *Donatella
>>> Bernardi's students* will run TV Mejan, a continuous, fully operational
>>> web TV studio, while *Mårten Spångberg*  and *Olav Westphalen* will
>>> organize "Non Talk Radio," an intense, 24 hours-a-day, sleepover workshop
>>> producing live-radio programs, which cannot be talk radio; no journalism,
>>> no documentary, no filling time with knowledge (real or presumed).  A
>>> number of further workshops, performances, lectures, a book launch, film
>>> screenings and a final panel discussion will round off the programme.
>>> *Performing Recalcitrance* has been conceptualized and programmed by
>>> Olav Westphalen and Stefanie Hessler. The public programme has been
>>> organized by Kungl. Konsthögskolan | Royal Institute of Art in
>>> collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Stockholm, Iaspis, Index – The
>>> Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Konst-ig, Kulturhuset, Moderna Museet
>>> and DOCH, the University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm.
>>> We look forward to an intensive week and invite you to participate in *Performing
>>> Recalcitrance*.
>>> The programme is available here:
>>> www.kkh.se/index.php/sv/undervisning/performing-recalcitrance/1268<http://interspire.e-flux.com/link.php?M=20548&N=2110&L=4195&F=H>
>>> --
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>>> mobil/cell +4670-3213370
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>>> your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always
>>> long to return.
>>> — Leonardo da Vinci
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>> --
>> *Acompañando las acciones del movimiento antinuclear en Japón, Occupy
>> Tokyo y escribiendo sobre la respuesta social y cultural a la catástrofe
>> nuclear <http://www.scoop.it/t/cartas-desde-fukushima>.
>> Accompanying the actions of anti-nuclear movement in Japan, Occupy Tokyo and
>> writing about social and cultural response to <http://goog_107689284>nuclear
>> ongoing nuclear crisis <http://www.scoop.it/t/cartas-desde-fukushima>.*
>> ¡Democracia Real Ya y fin de las nucleares!
>> Pablo de Soto
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>> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
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> --
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> mobil/cell +4670-3213370
> "When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with
> your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always
> long to return.
> — Leonardo da Vinci
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> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
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