[-empyre-] re/claiming and unsettling / continuing artistic practices

Eduardo Navas eduardo at navasse.net
Sat Mar 10 13:09:54 EST 2012

Hi Johannes,

If you click on the link I provided you will quickly understand my position
which I already alluded to in my brief post. To this effect, Ana actually
responded to I wrote and I don't think additional commentary on my part can
be useful at this stage of the discussion. I will certainly contribute
throughout the month.  In the mean time, the text-link I provided is very
specific about my critical position for those actually interested.  The
questions you ask me would not come up if you had visited it before your



On 3/9/12 3:58 PM, "Johannes Birringer" <Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk>

> Eduardo Navas schreibt:
> One thing that struck me, though, as I read the posts is that perhaps we
> should consider how the meaning of the terms in discussion may be different in
> our times from others.  Some posts have recalled the movement of 68 and its
> relation to the occupy movement. Other posts have discussed and provided links
> to different manifestations of urban resilience.  But one of the challenges of
> a critical position, in my view, is to be able to adjust itself to the changes
> of the system it aims to critique.  In particular, I find the role of
> technology fascinating in this respect.
> ..
> Didn¹t technology have such a role that without it, it would have been quite
> difficult to pull off such a decentralized, yet well organized event?  >>
> It seems you are suggesting "technology" to be instrumental in an uprising or
> a resistance movement.  Technologies and techniques , arguably, are always
> used, by power and by actors who are affected by it, resist, rise up, recede,
> etc.
> Are you saying that "social network media" (presumably used by all sides,
> power and resisters) determine revolutions?  ("twitter revolutions")?  Which
> Iranian twitter revolution did you have in mind, and how to you denote
> revolution?
> respectfully
> Johannes Birringer
> dap-lab
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