[-empyre-] The New Aesthetic - questions and conclusions

Lichty, Patrick plichty at colum.edu
Fri Sep 28 23:25:44 EST 2012

Since my last received post was on the 13th (and I apologize for not driving the conversation harder), I am a little dismayed at the dead air.  Therefore i would like to aks a few questions to hopefully drive a closing discussion about NA this month, and get ready for October.

The first is whether the New Aesthetic is empty to the point where it does not drive a substantial discussion.  In image board terms, is it a movement that consists mainly of a "Oh, this looks cool, so I'll just leave it here" mentality, or does it represent an ephemerality of culture where movements are as ephemeral as the medium?

Also, I want to ask where people see NA going, if anywhere.  Will that be dependednt on the development of technologies, or human reflections upon them?

I am off to SLSA; I will eb monitoring from there.

Best, Patrick.

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