[-empyre-] The New Aesthetic - questions and conclusions

Jon Lebkowsky jon.lebkowsky at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 00:22:56 EST 2012

I think NA so far is more acknowledgement than movement, more curation than active construction. What would it take to transform NA from passive to active force? Or does it make more sense to look for activist forces to emerge?

Jon Lebkowsky
Polycot Associates http://polycotassociates.com
(Sent from my iPhone)

On Sep 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Lichty, Patrick" <plichty at colum.edu> wrote:

> Since my last received post was on the 13th (and I apologize for not driving the conversation harder), I am a little dismayed at the dead air.  Therefore i would like to aks a few questions to hopefully drive a closing discussion about NA this month, and get ready for October.
> The first is whether the New Aesthetic is empty to the point where it does not drive a substantial discussion.  In image board terms, is it a movement that consists mainly of a "Oh, this looks cool, so I'll just leave it here" mentality, or does it represent an ephemerality of culture where movements are as ephemeral as the medium?
> Also, I want to ask where people see NA going, if anywhere.  Will that be dependednt on the development of technologies, or human reflections upon them?
> I am off to SLSA; I will eb monitoring from there.
> Best, Patrick.
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