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Fri Aug 23 14:43:58 EST 2013

cultural programmes.=0A=
Smaller and sporadic events are still running, making do with whatever=0A=
they can get. Right now, there is a local edition of Pixelache going=0A=
on in Ubatuba, in the coast. It was quite an adventure for the=0A=
organization to get means of travelling for everyone interested, but=0A=
it worked out in the end (the solution was refunding participants=92=0A=
long-distance bus tickets). What prevented me from attending was=0A=
mostly the clash with the classes calendar.=0A=
2013/10/23 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at>:=0A=
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
> Gabriel,=0A=
> It's interesting that your experience at Socine parallels my thoughts abo=
ut the Bosun Festival.  You put it well that Bosun, apparently as with Soci=
ne, could have been more successful in integrating experimental medial appr=
oaches into its programming and discourse.  So that if convergence figured,=
 as it did so prominently as the theme of the Festival Conference, it did s=
o primarily as folded into the screen of more traditional cinema discourse.=
> It's very disconcerting that those organizations most committed to articu=
lating and promoting artistic convergences have fallen on the budgetary cho=
pping block.  Would you be willing to say more about the context and histor=
ies of, Pr=EAmio S=E9rgio Motta, MIS-SP?=0A=
> I suspect that Dale is experiencing an alternative and more robust approa=
ch to funding the arts.  Dale, could say something about this and what diff=
erence it's making for thinking convergence and alternative approaches to t=
he screen arts?=0A=
> Thanks so much,=0A=
> Tim=0A=
> Director, Society for the Humanities=0A=
> Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art=0A=
> Professor of Comparative Literature and English=0A=
> A. D. White House=0A=
> Cornell University=0A=
> Ithaca, New York. 14853=0A=
> ________________________________________=0A=
> From: empyre-bounces at [empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.un=] on behalf of Gabriel Menotti [gabriel.menotti at]=0A=
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 9:41 AM=0A=
> To: soft_skinned_space=0A=
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two we=
eks and moving on=0A=
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
> Hello, Tim!=0A=
>> So would you mind elaborating a little more specifically about=0A=
>> the particular institutional contexts about which your thinking in Brazi=
> Oh, sorry if I was unclear. I was referring mostly to academia and=0A=
> academic forums. Particularly, I was thinking about Socine, the=0A=
> biggest cinema/screen/film studies congress in the country, which is=0A=
> fresh in my mind because I was participating of it two weeks ago. I=0A=
> was hoping to see a more heterogeneous event, but it ended up very=0A=
> traditional. The only working group *slightly* opened to convergence=0A=
> (or issues of technology and culture) was the arts & cinema one.=0A=
> I was presenting a paper about piracy and ended up in a panel with=0A=
> someone doing statistical research on the participation of women in=0A=
> the production of Brazilian features in the last 20 years. While there=0A=
> could have been an interesting dialogue between our two projects, if=0A=
> the panel was better planned and chaired, it ended up feeling simply=0A=
> as the place where they throw the misfits. The point being: there is=0A=
> not enough people working in certain areas to constitute productive=0A=
> fields of academic dialogue and criticism.=0A=
> On the other hand, it is interesting to notice how sometimes it is=0A=
> non-academic events and institutions (like FILE) that work as=0A=
> catalysts of thought, creating conditions for the displacement of=0A=
> current research culture. Didi-Huberman, for instance, was brought to=0A=
> Brazil for a lecture by the newly opened Rio Museum of Arts (MAR), and=0A=
> this certainly played an important role in his recent surge of=0A=
> popularity.=0A=
> Such events have the conceptual freedom and necessary fundings to=0A=
> propose new questions/ bring new people. It is a shame that lots of=0A=
> them that were involved with arts & media were recently discontinued=0A=
> due to cuts in cultural budgets (, Pr=EAmio S=E9rgio Motta,=0A=
> MIS-SP). FILE is one of the few in the area that survived - perhaps=0A=
> because of its popularity with a wider public. Time will tell how=0A=
> negative will be the effects of these cuts to the variety of research.=0A=
> Best!=0A=
> Menotti=0A=
> 2013/10/19 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at>:=0A=
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
>> Hi, Menotti,=0A=
>> It's so nice to hear your voice back on -empyre- and to receive it from =
your home territory of Brazil.  It strikes me as extremely important that y=
ou situate the possibilities for or restrictions of convergence in relation=
 to resources or institutions.  In some cultural contexts, it seems like mi=
nimal resources might have enhanced the possibility for and necessity for c=
onvergence (such as the Arte Povera movement, etc.).  So would you mind ela=
borating a little more specifically about the particular institutional cont=
exts about which your thinking in Brazil.  Many of our readers, for instanc=
e, might associate Brazil with the FILE Festival in Sao Paulo, which histor=
ically has been known for celebrating the convergence of artistic medial pr=
actice.  Is FILE the exception or do you see FILE being held back economica=
lly, etc.?=0A=
>> Best,=0A=
>> Tim=0A=
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