[-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 107, Issue 18

Dale Hudson dale.hudson at nyu.edu
Thu Oct 24 20:26:20 EST 2013

Thanks, Gabriel and Tim, for this information on Brazil and South Korea.

The situation in the Gulf is complex and ever-changing with longstanding traditions of supporting the arts mixed with various new initiatives, some of which are located here and other which are tied to global networks. 

We have some great arts institutions in Kuwait, Doha, Sharjah, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi.   Like other places, there is a desire for global visibility in a different light from the one typically cast upon the MENA region by foreign media, which is often baffling for its misrepresentations and misunderstandings of the most basic day-to-day events.

There are more conventional initiatives like the film festivals, which support Arab filmmaking and engage in important dialogues with European, South Asian, African, and Hollywood cinemas, though have not really embraced new media.  There is financial support through festivals, as well as through crowd-sourcing.  There are also the more commercially driven contests and competitions, which tend to look to the emerging south-to-south global order and are often more oriented towards the STEM fields.

There is also a desire for local identity, which is complex and multilayered.  Apart from the hackathon at my university, most of the work that I see tends to emphasize individual artists, so it will be interesting to see the response to ISEA 2014 in Dubai.


On Oct 24, 2013, at 5:00 AM, <empyre-request at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au> <empyre-request at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au> wrote:

> Send empyre mailing list submissions to
> 	empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> 	http://lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/empyre
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	empyre-request at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	empyre-owner at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of empyre digest..."
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two weeks and
>      moving on (Timothy Conway Murray)
>   2. Re: Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two weeks and
>      moving on (Gabriel Menotti)
>   3. (no subject)
>   4. Re: Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two weeks and
>      moving on (Timothy Conway Murray)
>   5. (no subject)
>   6. Re: Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two weeks and
>      moving on (Timothy Conway Murray)
>   7. (no subject)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:05:27 +0000
> From: Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>
> To: soft_skinned_space <empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two
> 	weeks and moving on
> Message-ID:
> 	<338FF2A47233C34B9DC167AAA91534C20F4F7232 at CH1PRD0411MB442.namprd04.prod.outlook.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Gabriel,
> It's interesting that your experience at Socine parallels my thoughts about the Bosun Festival.  You put it well that Bosun, apparently as with Socine, could have been more successful in integrating experimental medial approaches into its programming and discourse.  So that if convergence figured, as it did so prominently as the theme of the Festival Conference, it did so primarily as folded into the screen of more traditional cinema discourse.
> It's very disconcerting that those organizations most committed to articulating and promoting artistic convergences have fallen on the budgetary chopping block.  Would you be willing to say more about the context and histories of Arte.mov, Pr?mio S?rgio Motta, MIS-SP?
> I suspect that Dale is experiencing an alternative and more robust approach to funding the arts.  Dale, could say something about this and what difference it's making for thinking convergence and alternative approaches to the screen arts?
> Thanks so much,
> Tim
> Director, Society for the Humanities
> Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
> Professor of Comparative Literature and English
> A. D. White House
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, New York. 14853
> ________________________________________
> From: empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au [empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au] on behalf of Gabriel Menotti [gabriel.menotti at gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 9:41 AM
> To: soft_skinned_space
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two weeks and moving on
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Hello, Tim!
>> So would you mind elaborating a little more specifically about
>> the particular institutional contexts about which your thinking in Brazil.
> Oh, sorry if I was unclear. I was referring mostly to academia and
> academic forums. Particularly, I was thinking about Socine, the
> biggest cinema/screen/film studies congress in the country, which is
> fresh in my mind because I was participating of it two weeks ago. I
> was hoping to see a more heterogeneous event, but it ended up very
> traditional. The only working group *slightly* opened to convergence
> (or issues of technology and culture) was the arts & cinema one.
> I was presenting a paper about piracy and ended up in a panel with
> someone doing statistical research on the participation of women in
> the production of Brazilian features in the last 20 years. While there
> could have been an interesting dialogue between our two projects, if
> the panel was better planned and chaired, it ended up feeling simply
> as the place where they throw the misfits. The point being: there is
> not enough people working in certain areas to constitute productive
> fields of academic dialogue and criticism.
> On the other hand, it is interesting to notice how sometimes it is
> non-academic events and institutions (like FILE) that work as
> catalysts of thought, creating conditions for the displacement of
> current research culture. Didi-Huberman, for instance, was brought to
> Brazil for a lecture by the newly opened Rio Museum of Arts (MAR), and
> this certainly played an important role in his recent surge of
> popularity.
> Such events have the conceptual freedom and necessary fundings to
> propose new questions/ bring new people. It is a shame that lots of
> them that were involved with arts & media were recently discontinued
> due to cuts in cultural budgets (Arte.mov, Pr?mio S?rgio Motta,
> MIS-SP). FILE is one of the few in the area that survived - perhaps
> because of its popularity with a wider public. Time will tell how
> negative will be the effects of these cuts to the variety of research.
> Best!
> Menotti
> 2013/10/19 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>:
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>> Hi, Menotti,
>> It's so nice to hear your voice back on -empyre- and to receive it from your home territory of Brazil.  It strikes me as extremely important that you situate the possibilities for or restrictions of convergence in relation to resources or institutions.  In some cultural contexts, it seems like minimal resources might have enhanced the possibility for and necessity for convergence (such as the Arte Povera movement, etc.).  So would you mind elaborating a little more specifically about the particular institutional contexts about which your thinking in Brazil.  Many of our readers, for instance, might associate Brazil with the FILE Festival in Sao Paulo, which historically has been known for celebrating the convergence of artistic medial practice.  Is FILE the exception or do you see FILE being held back economically, etc.?
>> Best,
>> Tim
> _______________________________________________
> empyre forum
> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> http://www.subtle.net/empyre
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 18:16:06 -0200
> From: Gabriel Menotti <gabriel.menotti at gmail.com>
> To: soft_skinned_space <empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two
> 	weeks and moving on
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAG=4eDSvkVNjTdJtEuSC0fWma8pLznjdPvA20Bwm1mS63KODbg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> Hey!
> Some years ago, around 2007, there was a lot of institutions dealing
> with media arts in the country, particularly in S?o Paulo. Looking
> back now, it feels like another intoxicating side-effect of the wave
> of optimism provoked by what seemed another ?Brazilian miracle?. That
> is when the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS-SP) reopened under a new
> direction, with a strong international residency programme attached to
> a media lab. However, the lack of popularity of this programme,
> combined with some political disagreements between the museum
> management and SP government, took things some steps back. Right now,
> most exhibitions are ready-made travelling shows imported from abroad,
> repeating the same old topics. Kids love them, though.
> Artemov is another interesting case: a festival for locative media
> convened by artists and academics who engaged critically with this
> area (among whom were Lucas Bambozzi and Marcus Bastos, participants
> of the list). Supported by the sponsorship of a local mobile phone
> carrier, it managed to have a quite substantial programme, including
> very good seminars with international guests. These events resulted in
> what I believe to be one of the most updated essay collections on
> media arts and locative technology published in Portuguese - a
> priceless resource for classes. Sadly, the festival is hibernating.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Message-ID: <mailman.2.1382576403.17976.empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> cultural programmes.
> Smaller and sporadic events are still running, making do with whatever
> they can get. Right now, there is a local edition of Pixelache going
> on in Ubatuba, in the coast. It was quite an adventure for the
> organization to get means of travelling for everyone interested, but
> it worked out in the end (the solution was refunding participants=92
> long-distance bus tickets). What prevented me from attending was
> mostly the clash with the classes calendar.
> Best!
> Menotti
> 2013/10/23 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>:
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>> Gabriel,
>> It's interesting that your experience at Socine parallels my thoughts abo=
> ut the Bosun Festival.  You put it well that Bosun, apparently as with Soci=
> ne, could have been more successful in integrating experimental medial appr=
> oaches into its programming and discourse.  So that if convergence figured,=
> as it did so prominently as the theme of the Festival Conference, it did s=
> o primarily as folded into the screen of more traditional cinema discourse.
>> It's very disconcerting that those organizations most committed to articu=
> lating and promoting artistic convergences have fallen on the budgetary cho=
> pping block.  Would you be willing to say more about the context and histor=
> ies of Arte.mov, Pr=EAmio S=E9rgio Motta, MIS-SP?
>> I suspect that Dale is experiencing an alternative and more robust approa=
> ch to funding the arts.  Dale, could say something about this and what diff=
> erence it's making for thinking convergence and alternative approaches to t=
> he screen arts?
>> Thanks so much,
>> Tim
>> Director, Society for the Humanities
>> Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
>> Professor of Comparative Literature and English
>> A. D. White House
>> Cornell University
>> Ithaca, New York. 14853
>> ________________________________________
>> From: empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au [empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.un=
> sw.edu.au] on behalf of Gabriel Menotti [gabriel.menotti at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 9:41 AM
>> To: soft_skinned_space
>> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two we=
> eks and moving on
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>> Hello, Tim!
>>> So would you mind elaborating a little more specifically about
>>> the particular institutional contexts about which your thinking in Brazi=
> l.
>> Oh, sorry if I was unclear. I was referring mostly to academia and
>> academic forums. Particularly, I was thinking about Socine, the
>> biggest cinema/screen/film studies congress in the country, which is
>> fresh in my mind because I was participating of it two weeks ago. I
>> was hoping to see a more heterogeneous event, but it ended up very
>> traditional. The only working group *slightly* opened to convergence
>> (or issues of technology and culture) was the arts & cinema one.
>> I was presenting a paper about piracy and ended up in a panel with
>> someone doing statistical research on the participation of women in
>> the production of Brazilian features in the last 20 years. While there
>> could have been an interesting dialogue between our two projects, if
>> the panel was better planned and chaired, it ended up feeling simply
>> as the place where they throw the misfits. The point being: there is
>> not enough people working in certain areas to constitute productive
>> fields of academic dialogue and criticism.
>> On the other hand, it is interesting to notice how sometimes it is
>> non-academic events and institutions (like FILE) that work as
>> catalysts of thought, creating conditions for the displacement of
>> current research culture. Didi-Huberman, for instance, was brought to
>> Brazil for a lecture by the newly opened Rio Museum of Arts (MAR), and
>> this certainly played an important role in his recent surge of
>> popularity.
>> Such events have the conceptual freedom and necessary fundings to
>> propose new questions/ bring new people. It is a shame that lots of
>> them that were involved with arts & media were recently discontinued
>> due to cuts in cultural budgets (Arte.mov, Pr=EAmio S=E9rgio Motta,
>> MIS-SP). FILE is one of the few in the area that survived - perhaps
>> because of its popularity with a wider public. Time will tell how
>> negative will be the effects of these cuts to the variety of research.
>> Best!
>> Menotti
>> 2013/10/19 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>:
>>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>>> Hi, Menotti,
>>> It's so nice to hear your voice back on -empyre- and to receive it from =
> your home territory of Brazil.  It strikes me as extremely important that y=
> ou situate the possibilities for or restrictions of convergence in relation=
> to resources or institutions.  In some cultural contexts, it seems like mi=
> nimal resources might have enhanced the possibility for and necessity for c=
> onvergence (such as the Arte Povera movement, etc.).  So would you mind ela=
> borating a little more specifically about the particular institutional cont=
> exts about which your thinking in Brazil.  Many of our readers, for instanc=
> e, might associate Brazil with the FILE Festival in Sao Paulo, which histor=
> ically has been known for celebrating the convergence of artistic medial pr=
> actice.  Is FILE the exception or do you see FILE being held back economica=
> lly, etc.?
>>> Best,
>>> Tim
>> _______________________________________________
>> empyre forum
>> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
>> http://www.subtle.net/empyre
>> _______________________________________________
>> empyre forum
>> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
>> http://www.subtle.net/empyre
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 20:44:13 +0000
> From: Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>
> To: soft_skinned_space <empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two
> 	weeks and moving on
> Message-ID:
> 	<338FF2A47233C34B9DC167AAA91534C20F4F8D12 at CH1PRD0411MB442.namprd04.prod.outlook.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"
> Thanks, this is really helpful and interesting information for you to share with all of us.  I'm wondering if there are particular artists from Pixelache or Artemov whose experimentations with convergence we all might reference?
> Thanks.
> Tim
> Director, Society for the Humanities
> Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
> Professor of Comparative Literature and English
> A. D. White House
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, New York. 14853
> ________________________________________
> From: empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au [empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au] on behalf of Gabriel Menotti [gabriel.menotti at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:16 PM
> To: soft_skinned_space
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two weeks and moving on
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Hey!
> Some years ago, around 2007, there was a lot of institutions dealing
> with media arts in the country, particularly in S?o Paulo. Looking
> back now, it feels like another intoxicating side-effect of the wave
> of optimism provoked by what seemed another ?Brazilian miracle?. That
> is when the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS-SP) reopened under a new
> direction, with a strong international residency programme attached to
> a media lab. However, the lack of popularity of this programme,
> combined with some political disagreements between the museum
> management and SP government, took things some steps back. Right now,
> most exhibitions are ready-made travelling shows imported from abroad,
> repeating the same old topics. Kids love them, though.
> Artemov is another interesting case: a festival for locative media
> convened by artists and academics who engaged critically with this
> area (among whom were Lucas Bambozzi and Marcus Bastos, participants
> of the list). Supported by the sponsorship of a local mobile phone
> carrier, it managed to have a quite substantial programme, including
> very good seminars with international guests. These events resulted in
> what I believe to be one of the most updated essay collections on
> media arts and locative technology published in Portuguese - a
> priceless resource for classes. Sadly, the festival is hibernating.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Message-ID: <mailman.3.1382576403.17976.empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> cultural programmes.=0A=
> =0A=
> Smaller and sporadic events are still running, making do with whatever=0A=
> they can get. Right now, there is a local edition of Pixelache going=0A=
> on in Ubatuba, in the coast. It was quite an adventure for the=0A=
> organization to get means of travelling for everyone interested, but=0A=
> it worked out in the end (the solution was refunding participants=92=0A=
> long-distance bus tickets). What prevented me from attending was=0A=
> mostly the clash with the classes calendar.=0A=
> =0A=
> Best!=0A=
> Menotti=0A=
> =0A=
> =0A=
> 2013/10/23 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>:=0A=
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
>> Gabriel,=0A=
>> =0A=
>> It's interesting that your experience at Socine parallels my thoughts abo=
> ut the Bosun Festival.  You put it well that Bosun, apparently as with Soci=
> ne, could have been more successful in integrating experimental medial appr=
> oaches into its programming and discourse.  So that if convergence figured,=
> as it did so prominently as the theme of the Festival Conference, it did s=
> o primarily as folded into the screen of more traditional cinema discourse.=
> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> It's very disconcerting that those organizations most committed to articu=
> lating and promoting artistic convergences have fallen on the budgetary cho=
> pping block.  Would you be willing to say more about the context and histor=
> ies of Arte.mov, Pr=EAmio S=E9rgio Motta, MIS-SP?=0A=
>> =0A=
>> I suspect that Dale is experiencing an alternative and more robust approa=
> ch to funding the arts.  Dale, could say something about this and what diff=
> erence it's making for thinking convergence and alternative approaches to t=
> he screen arts?=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Thanks so much,=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Tim=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Director, Society for the Humanities=0A=
>> Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art=0A=
>> Professor of Comparative Literature and English=0A=
>> A. D. White House=0A=
>> Cornell University=0A=
>> Ithaca, New York. 14853=0A=
>> ________________________________________=0A=
>> From: empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au [empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.un=
> sw.edu.au] on behalf of Gabriel Menotti [gabriel.menotti at gmail.com]=0A=
>> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 9:41 AM=0A=
>> To: soft_skinned_space=0A=
>> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two we=
> eks and moving on=0A=
>> =0A=
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
>> Hello, Tim!=0A=
>> =0A=
>>> So would you mind elaborating a little more specifically about=0A=
>>> the particular institutional contexts about which your thinking in Brazi=
> l.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Oh, sorry if I was unclear. I was referring mostly to academia and=0A=
>> academic forums. Particularly, I was thinking about Socine, the=0A=
>> biggest cinema/screen/film studies congress in the country, which is=0A=
>> fresh in my mind because I was participating of it two weeks ago. I=0A=
>> was hoping to see a more heterogeneous event, but it ended up very=0A=
>> traditional. The only working group *slightly* opened to convergence=0A=
>> (or issues of technology and culture) was the arts & cinema one.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> I was presenting a paper about piracy and ended up in a panel with=0A=
>> someone doing statistical research on the participation of women in=0A=
>> the production of Brazilian features in the last 20 years. While there=0A=
>> could have been an interesting dialogue between our two projects, if=0A=
>> the panel was better planned and chaired, it ended up feeling simply=0A=
>> as the place where they throw the misfits. The point being: there is=0A=
>> not enough people working in certain areas to constitute productive=0A=
>> fields of academic dialogue and criticism.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> On the other hand, it is interesting to notice how sometimes it is=0A=
>> non-academic events and institutions (like FILE) that work as=0A=
>> catalysts of thought, creating conditions for the displacement of=0A=
>> current research culture. Didi-Huberman, for instance, was brought to=0A=
>> Brazil for a lecture by the newly opened Rio Museum of Arts (MAR), and=0A=
>> this certainly played an important role in his recent surge of=0A=
>> popularity.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Such events have the conceptual freedom and necessary fundings to=0A=
>> propose new questions/ bring new people. It is a shame that lots of=0A=
>> them that were involved with arts & media were recently discontinued=0A=
>> due to cuts in cultural budgets (Arte.mov, Pr=EAmio S=E9rgio Motta,=0A=
>> MIS-SP). FILE is one of the few in the area that survived - perhaps=0A=
>> because of its popularity with a wider public. Time will tell how=0A=
>> negative will be the effects of these cuts to the variety of research.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Best!=0A=
>> Menotti=0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> 2013/10/19 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>:=0A=
>>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
>>> Hi, Menotti,=0A=
>>> =0A=
>>> It's so nice to hear your voice back on -empyre- and to receive it from =
> your home territory of Brazil.  It strikes me as extremely important that y=
> ou situate the possibilities for or restrictions of convergence in relation=
> to resources or institutions.  In some cultural contexts, it seems like mi=
> nimal resources might have enhanced the possibility for and necessity for c=
> onvergence (such as the Arte Povera movement, etc.).  So would you mind ela=
> borating a little more specifically about the particular institutional cont=
> exts about which your thinking in Brazil.  Many of our readers, for instanc=
> e, might associate Brazil with the FILE Festival in Sao Paulo, which histor=
> ically has been known for celebrating the convergence of artistic medial pr=
> actice.  Is FILE the exception or do you see FILE being held back economica=
> lly, etc.?=0A=
>>> =0A=
>>> Best,=0A=
>>> =0A=
>>> Tim=0A=
>>> =0A=
>> _______________________________________________=0A=
>> empyre forum=0A=
>> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au=0A=
>> http://www.subtle.net/empyre=0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> _______________________________________________=0A=
>> empyre forum=0A=
>> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au=0A=
>> http://www.subtle.net/empyre=0A=
> _______________________________________________=0A=
> empyre forum=0A=
> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au=0A=
> http://www.subtle.net/empyre=0A=
> =0A=
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 20:46:39 +0000
> From: Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>
> To: soft_skinned_space <empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two
> 	weeks and moving on
> Message-ID:
> 	<338FF2A47233C34B9DC167AAA91534C20F4F8D24 at CH1PRD0411MB442.namprd04.prod.outlook.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"
> Menotti,
> I also might join with you in highlighting for newer members of the list the many, many contributions made by Marcos Bastos who collaborated with us for many years on the -empyre- moderating team prior to your participation.  It's really important that the list acknowledge and understand the deep impact on new media art and studies of the multiple strains of art and theory percolating in Brazil, and which have had important resonances through Latin America. 
> Best,
> Tim
> Director, Society for the Humanities
> Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
> Professor of Comparative Literature and English
> A. D. White House
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, New York. 14853
> ________________________________________
> From: empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au [empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au] on behalf of Gabriel Menotti [gabriel.menotti at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:16 PM
> To: soft_skinned_space
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two weeks and moving on
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Hey!
> Some years ago, around 2007, there was a lot of institutions dealing
> with media arts in the country, particularly in S?o Paulo. Looking
> back now, it feels like another intoxicating side-effect of the wave
> of optimism provoked by what seemed another ?Brazilian miracle?. That
> is when the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS-SP) reopened under a new
> direction, with a strong international residency programme attached to
> a media lab. However, the lack of popularity of this programme,
> combined with some political disagreements between the museum
> management and SP government, took things some steps back. Right now,
> most exhibitions are ready-made travelling shows imported from abroad,
> repeating the same old topics. Kids love them, though.
> Artemov is another interesting case: a festival for locative media
> convened by artists and academics who engaged critically with this
> area (among whom were Lucas Bambozzi and Marcus Bastos, participants
> of the list). Supported by the sponsorship of a local mobile phone
> carrier, it managed to have a quite substantial programme, including
> very good seminars with international guests. These events resulted in
> what I believe to be one of the most updated essay collections on
> media arts and locative technology published in Portuguese - a
> priceless resource for classes. Sadly, the festival is hibernating.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Message-ID: <mailman.4.1382576403.17976.empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> cultural programmes.=0A=
> =0A=
> Smaller and sporadic events are still running, making do with whatever=0A=
> they can get. Right now, there is a local edition of Pixelache going=0A=
> on in Ubatuba, in the coast. It was quite an adventure for the=0A=
> organization to get means of travelling for everyone interested, but=0A=
> it worked out in the end (the solution was refunding participants=92=0A=
> long-distance bus tickets). What prevented me from attending was=0A=
> mostly the clash with the classes calendar.=0A=
> =0A=
> Best!=0A=
> Menotti=0A=
> =0A=
> =0A=
> 2013/10/23 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>:=0A=
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
>> Gabriel,=0A=
>> =0A=
>> It's interesting that your experience at Socine parallels my thoughts abo=
> ut the Bosun Festival.  You put it well that Bosun, apparently as with Soci=
> ne, could have been more successful in integrating experimental medial appr=
> oaches into its programming and discourse.  So that if convergence figured,=
> as it did so prominently as the theme of the Festival Conference, it did s=
> o primarily as folded into the screen of more traditional cinema discourse.=
> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> It's very disconcerting that those organizations most committed to articu=
> lating and promoting artistic convergences have fallen on the budgetary cho=
> pping block.  Would you be willing to say more about the context and histor=
> ies of Arte.mov, Pr=EAmio S=E9rgio Motta, MIS-SP?=0A=
>> =0A=
>> I suspect that Dale is experiencing an alternative and more robust approa=
> ch to funding the arts.  Dale, could say something about this and what diff=
> erence it's making for thinking convergence and alternative approaches to t=
> he screen arts?=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Thanks so much,=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Tim=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Director, Society for the Humanities=0A=
>> Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art=0A=
>> Professor of Comparative Literature and English=0A=
>> A. D. White House=0A=
>> Cornell University=0A=
>> Ithaca, New York. 14853=0A=
>> ________________________________________=0A=
>> From: empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au [empyre-bounces at lists.cofa.un=
> sw.edu.au] on behalf of Gabriel Menotti [gabriel.menotti at gmail.com]=0A=
>> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 9:41 AM=0A=
>> To: soft_skinned_space=0A=
>> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 3 on empyre: thoughts about the first two we=
> eks and moving on=0A=
>> =0A=
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
>> Hello, Tim!=0A=
>> =0A=
>>> So would you mind elaborating a little more specifically about=0A=
>>> the particular institutional contexts about which your thinking in Brazi=
> l.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Oh, sorry if I was unclear. I was referring mostly to academia and=0A=
>> academic forums. Particularly, I was thinking about Socine, the=0A=
>> biggest cinema/screen/film studies congress in the country, which is=0A=
>> fresh in my mind because I was participating of it two weeks ago. I=0A=
>> was hoping to see a more heterogeneous event, but it ended up very=0A=
>> traditional. The only working group *slightly* opened to convergence=0A=
>> (or issues of technology and culture) was the arts & cinema one.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> I was presenting a paper about piracy and ended up in a panel with=0A=
>> someone doing statistical research on the participation of women in=0A=
>> the production of Brazilian features in the last 20 years. While there=0A=
>> could have been an interesting dialogue between our two projects, if=0A=
>> the panel was better planned and chaired, it ended up feeling simply=0A=
>> as the place where they throw the misfits. The point being: there is=0A=
>> not enough people working in certain areas to constitute productive=0A=
>> fields of academic dialogue and criticism.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> On the other hand, it is interesting to notice how sometimes it is=0A=
>> non-academic events and institutions (like FILE) that work as=0A=
>> catalysts of thought, creating conditions for the displacement of=0A=
>> current research culture. Didi-Huberman, for instance, was brought to=0A=
>> Brazil for a lecture by the newly opened Rio Museum of Arts (MAR), and=0A=
>> this certainly played an important role in his recent surge of=0A=
>> popularity.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Such events have the conceptual freedom and necessary fundings to=0A=
>> propose new questions/ bring new people. It is a shame that lots of=0A=
>> them that were involved with arts & media were recently discontinued=0A=
>> due to cuts in cultural budgets (Arte.mov, Pr=EAmio S=E9rgio Motta,=0A=
>> MIS-SP). FILE is one of the few in the area that survived - perhaps=0A=
>> because of its popularity with a wider public. Time will tell how=0A=
>> negative will be the effects of these cuts to the variety of research.=0A=
>> =0A=
>> Best!=0A=
>> Menotti=0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> 2013/10/19 Timothy Conway Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>:=0A=
>>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------=0A=
>>> Hi, Menotti,=0A=
>>> =0A=
>>> It's so nice to hear your voice back on -empyre- and to receive it from =
> your home territory of Brazil.  It strikes me as extremely important that y=
> ou situate the possibilities for or restrictions of convergence in relation=
> to resources or institutions.  In some cultural contexts, it seems like mi=
> nimal resources might have enhanced the possibility for and necessity for c=
> onvergence (such as the Arte Povera movement, etc.).  So would you mind ela=
> borating a little more specifically about the particular institutional cont=
> exts about which your thinking in Brazil.  Many of our readers, for instanc=
> e, might associate Brazil with the FILE Festival in Sao Paulo, which histor=
> ically has been known for celebrating the convergence of artistic medial pr=
> actice.  Is FILE the exception or do you see FILE being held back economica=
> lly, etc.?=0A=
>>> =0A=
>>> Best,=0A=
>>> =0A=
>>> Tim=0A=
>>> =0A=
>> _______________________________________________=0A=
>> empyre forum=0A=
>> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au=0A=
>> http://www.subtle.net/empyre=0A=
>> =0A=
>> =0A=
>> _______________________________________________=0A=
>> empyre forum=0A=
>> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au=0A=
>> http://www.subtle.net/empyre=0A=
> _______________________________________________=0A=
> empyre forum=0A=
> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au=0A=
> http://www.subtle.net/empyre=0A=
> =0A=
> ------------------------------
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> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
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> End of empyre Digest, Vol 107, Issue 18
> ***************************************

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