[-empyre-] concerning violence

Murat Nemet-Nejat muratnn at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 03:51:06 EST 2014

Olga, if it is O.K. with you (and the rules of empyre), I am posting the
following passage in my poetry page "Murat Nemet-Nejat" on Facebook:

"First of all, I propose to look at each case of war conflict and
violence separately. There is no common experience of war. Also some
combatants experienced both being a perpetrator and later a victim in the
hands of enemy. I came across the issue of beheading when I investigated
representations of Chechen war. There were videos uploaded by Chechen
fighters of beheading young Russian conscripts  with knives that were
circulating on the net. It caused an ethical outrage of the internet
community, especially when Belorussian  female blogger posted video on her
website under the title: Chechen kill Russian soldies as pigs. She
obviously supported Chechen fight for independence as the rest of
democratic world ( but at what price?). To mock the morbid curiosity of
internet users the false links were created that linked to porn sites
instead of videos. It was also mentioned  that there was a black market of
the snuff films brought from Chechnya.




On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 5:58 AM, O Danylyuk <danylyuk at gmail.com> wrote:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> First of all, I propose to look at each case of war conflict and
> violence separately. There is no common experience of war. Also some
> combatants experienced both being a perpetrator and later a victim in the
> hands of enemy. I came across the issue of beheading when I investigated
> representations of Chechen war. There were videos uploaded by Chechen
> fighters of beheading young Russian conscripts  with knives that were
> circulating on the net. It caused an ethical outrage of the internet
> community, especially when Belorussian  female blogger posted video on her
> website under the title: Chechen kill Russian soldies as pigs. She
> obviously supported Chechen fight for independence as the rest of
> democratic world ( but at what price?). To mock the morbid curiosity of
> internet users the false links were created that linked to porn sites
> instead of videos. It was also mentioned  that there was a black market of
> the snuff films brought from Chechnya.
> I am also interested in the analytical approach in understanding what
> precedes the actual war, any war operation has a very pragmatic frame:
> careful planning, calculations, tactics  . for this reason I consulted
> military sources. We usually deal with the dramatic outcome when people are
> in the deadlock of fighting. I think it is important to analyse cultural,
> power struggles which lead to wars. Particular the wars by proxy- a
> long-standing tradition of Cold War doctrine. I am digging  into RAND (
> National Defense Research Institute ) report those days, titled Paths to
> Victory.Lessons from Modern Insurgencies. The study analyses all
> insurgencies completed worldwide between 1944 and 2010. It is
> overwhelming...
> --
> Olga Danylyuk
> Director, designer
> PhD candidate, Central School of Speech and Drama
> London, UK
> +447971341395
> +380664086948
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