[-empyre-] introducing week 3

Murat Nemet-Nejat muratnn at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 15:42:39 EST 2014

Perhaps the most powerful form of symbolic space is the plaza, from
Tienanmen Square to Tahir Square to Maidan (which is a Turkish word) to
Damascus to Taksim Square in Istanbul, to cite a few relatively recent
examples, the symbolic action most feared by governments. I wrote a poem
about thirty years ago "Fatima's Winter" exactly on the idea of the square
(attached to a tool) as a potentially revolutionary space. Participants to
our dialogue at Empyre may be interested in it. Though published, the poem
is not on line. I don't know whether I can include it within the the post
or attach is as a document. The poem is a few pages.

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