[-empyre-] Scenocosme : interactive plants and other hybridization with natural element and technology

le.quartier at free.fr le.quartier at free.fr
Tue Jun 23 06:45:51 AEST 2015

Dear member of the list

Natasha Myers have invited us to present our interactive artwork with sonorous plants on this list.

Also here it is.

We are the artists : Scenocosme : Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt

In our interactive artwork installation we mix technology and natural element like plants, water, wood, stone, human body etc..

Here is the link to more information about our best sensitive artworks with natural element

Akousmaflore : Sensitive and interactive musical plants

Phonofolium : interactive and sonorous tree

Matière sensible
Sound Sculpture on wood  

Lights contacts, interactive installation with human body

Fluides : interactive installation with water

Kymapetra, mineral interactive installation

Akousmaflore : our artwork with interactive musical plants is one of our most famous one
Since 2007 we have exhibited this installation in several digital art festival and contemporary art museum in different country.

In fact in this kind of artwork we are quite interested by the influences of the human body : The electrostatic influences of the body.

We also invite you to look at our PDF publication about our artworks and artistic approach here

Hybrid and sensory Interactive Artworks / Scenocosme 
PDF : http://www.scenocosme.com/PDF/Scenocosme_hybrid_and_sensory_artworks.pdf

Bio + book
PDF : http://www.scenocosme.com/PDF/scenocosme_BOOK_EN.pdf

web : http://www.scenocosme.com/index_e.htm

wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C3%A9gory_Lasserre_%26_Ana%C3%AFs_met_den_Ancxt

Thanks for your attention

Best regards

Scenocosme : Grégory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt
mail : scenocosme at gmail.com
web : http://www.scenocosme.com/index_e.htm

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