[-empyre-] engineering the university

Johannes Birringer Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk
Wed Mar 18 00:07:36 AEDT 2015

yes, indeed Kevin, 
and my comment had implied as much of course, namely that you
and I, or the graduate students, and whatever campus,  and those who
graduate into the corporate business world, are part
of the racialized state but (in the US or european campuses of
the former West) perhaps the implications of that, and of
 living in war states, are not witnessed enough.  I still also think
it would be helpful if the discussion were widened and Murat's comments
included, post-Enlightenment and all. You were not only wondering about
future employment, but also how modes of producing values & knowledge,
and power, shift, and how war stages dispossess us of material culture
and access to learning (ISIS changed the way primary school education in the Syrian
and Northern Iraqi territories it controls is managed).

with regards

[Kevin schreibt]

Precarities sit against other precarities where graduate students wonder
about their own futures, but the space created for that wondering itself
depends on others with uncertain futures. You might be interested in the
work of the Counter Cartographies Collective to this end, a group I'm not
sure is active anymore but who were doing a great deal to encourage more
witnessing in the states in which campuses are embedded:

Such work doesn't get to Murat's specific context, but I offer these
thoughts to suggest that racialized states are as much a part of secular
spaces as any.


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