[-empyre-] Welcome to a new season on -empyre soft-skinned space: Welcome Derek Murray and Soraya Murray.

Renate Terese Ferro rferro at cornell.edu
Tue Sep 8 12:30:49 AEST 2015

Welcome -empyre soft-skinned subscribers.  Our international community is
comprised of approximately 1900 subscribers from North America to South
America, Europe to Africa to Asia and Australia.  While many of our
subscribers are employed by educational university settings so many more
of our subscribers are independent artists, programmers, animators and
others.  Our common mission  as  a global community of new media artists,
curators, theorists, producers, and others is to participate in monthly
thematic discussions via an e-mail listserv
dedicated to  critical perspectives on contemporary cross-disciplinary
issues, practices and events in networked media.

Our list-serve is hosted and organized by a team of a few volunteers
including Renate Ferro (US), Tim Murray (US), Patrick Keilty (US and CA),
Soraya Murray (US), and Derrick Murray (US).  Over the next few months we
will be seeking  two to four more individuals to sit on our moderating
team.  We are looking for a demographically and culturally diverse group
so welcome those who are from locations that are not already represented
on our team or  offer those differing perspectives from those currently
included.  If you are interested please send an email to Renate Ferro
<rferro at cornell.edu>

Many thanks to Selmin Karin (US,TR) for sitting on the moderating team
this past year.  Many thanks for your ideas and helping out during the

We are particularly excited to welcome Soraya Murray and Derek Murray to
our panel of moderators.  They are currently faculty members at UC Santa
Cruz.  We have known both of them for quite some time and are look forward
to their upcoming months on -empyre.  We have listed their biographies
below and welcome both of them very warmly.

For the month of September Tim Murray and Renate Ferro  will introduce the
topic: "Video: Behind and Beyond.² Their time at the Venice Biennale this
past summer as well as an upcoming exhibition at Hunter College
celebrating the history and legacy of The Experimental Television Center
has provided the impetus for this special topic.  Tim will be posting the
Introduction tomorrow.

Just a few reminders to all of our subscribers:
1.  Our website hosted by Cornell University
http://empyre.library.cornell.edu/ hosts two links under ³discussion¹s² on
the menu.  For the most up to date archived information on topics and
discussions please visit


This archive is kept up to date hourly and has our entire archive since
January 2002. This archive is hosted by the University of New South Wales.

2. Many of you have noted the non-working link under ³topics² on our
website.  Please be patient.  We are trying to tend to updating that link

3. We are excited to being the fourteenth year on -empyre beginning in
January 2016.  In order for our community to remain sustainable we need
guest moderators to host topics that cover current issues in new and
networked media.  Please consider offering a monthly topic on a conference
you are organizing, a new publication, a project, or the development of a
new idea to our group. For more information contact <rferro at cornell.edu>
or one of the others on the moderating team listed below.  We look forward
to hearing from all of you on -empyre soft-skinned space, Looking forward
to it. 

Moderating team: 
Renate Ferro (US) rferro at cornell.edu
Renate Ferro¹s creative work resides in the area of emerging technology,
new media and
culture. By aligning artistic, creative practice with critical approaches
to technology her work broadly spans
installation, interactive net-based projects, digital time-based media,
drawing, text, and performance. Her artistic work has been featured at The
Freud Museum (London), The Dorksy Gallery (NY), The Hemispheric Institute
and FOMMA (Mexico), The Janus Pannonius Muzeum (Hungary), and The Free
Berlin (Germany).  Her writing has been published in such journals as
Diacritics, Theatre Journal, and Epoch.. She also is the founder of the
Tinker Factory <http://www.tinkerfactory.net/> Lab. Ferro is a Visiting
Associate Professor of Art at Cornell University.  She has been on the
moderating team for -empyre soft-skinned space since 2007 and is currently
the managing moderator.

Patrick Keilty (US, CA) p.keilty at utoronto.ca
Patrick Keilty is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Information at the
University of Toronto and Instructor in the Bonham Centre for Sexual
Diversity Studies there. Professor Keilty works at the intersection of
media studies, technology studies, and information studies. His primary
teaching and research field is digital studies, with a particular focus on
visual culture, pornography, new
media art, metadata and database logic, database cinema, critical theory,
and theories of gender, sexuality, and race. His monograph project,
provisionally titled Database Desire, engages the question of how our
engagements with labyrinthine qualities of database design and algorithmic
logic mediate aesthetic objects, create new cinematic techniques, and
structure sexual desire in ways that abound with expressive possibilities
and new narrative and temporal structures. More at

Derek Murray (US) derekconradmurray6719 at gmail.com
Derek Conrad Murray is an interdisciplinary theorist specializing in the
history, theory and criticism of contemporary art and visual culture. He
has contributed to leading magazines and journals of contemporary art and
visual culture such as American Art, Art in America, Parachute, Art
Journal, Third Text, Consumption Markets & Culture, and Nka: Journal of
Contemporary African Art (Duke University Press), where he currently
serves as Associate Editor. Murray is also currently serving on the
Editorial Advisory Board of Third Text. His book entitled Queering
Post-Black Art: Artists Rethinking African-American Identity After Civil
Rightswill be published by I.B. Tauris (UK) in 2015.

Soraya Murray (US) semurray at ucsc.edu
Soraya Murray holds a Ph.D. in art history from Cornell University. An
Assistant Professor in Film and Digital Media at the University of
California, Santa Cruz, she is also principal faculty in the Digital Arts
and New Media MFA Program, and affiliated with the History of Art and
Visual Culture Department, as well as the Center for Games and Playable
Media. Murray is an interdisciplinary scholar who focuses on contemporary
visual culture, with particular interest in contemporary art, cultural
studies and games. Her writings have been featured in publications such as
Art Journal, Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, CTheory, Public Art
Review, Third Text, Gamesbeat and PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.

Timothy Murray (US) tcm1 at cornell.edu
Tim Murray is the Curator of the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art,
Director of the Society for the Humanities and Professor of Comparative
Literature and English at Cornell University.  A curator of new media art
and a theorist of the digital humanities and arts, he  is currently
working on a book The Archival Event: Curatorial Instabilities @New Media
Art, which is a sequel to Digital Baroque: New Media Art and Cinematic
Folds (Minnesota, 2008).  He sits on the Executive Committee of the
Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory (HASTAC)
and is editing volumes on Jean-Luc Nancy and Xu Bing. He has been an
­empyre moderator since 2007.

Renate Ferro
Visiting Associate Professor of Art
Cornell University
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall, Office 306
Ithaca, NY  14853
Email: rferro at cornell.edu
URL:  http://www.renateferro.net
Lab:   http://www.tinkerfactory.net

Managing Moderator of -empyre- soft skinned space

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