[-empyre-] Food and Cultural Identity

Nicole J. Caruth ncaruth at withfoodinmind.org
Sat Apr 2 01:45:45 AEDT 2016

Speaking of publications, Amanda asked me to share a link to my writings on
art and food. You'll find a selection here:

It's been wonderful to learn about everyone's projects and perspectives!


On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Amanda McDonald Crowley <
amandamcdc at gmail.com> wrote:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Shilpa,
> Before I dash out to my event, I just stumbled upon this post, that my
> colleague Stephen Satterfield posted on FaceSuck.
> In relationship to your conversation about the culture of food, it struck
> some chords....
> My colleague Stephen writes:  "Stories like this are why I'm so grateful
> to be working with the Civil Eats team. Reliably real, relevant and honest
> food journalism. "Real change will come, [Nicole Taylor] says, when there
> are more young Black folks in the publishing world, in the podcasting
> world, and in test kitchens in major magazines.' "
> It is of course more about food culture, than art and food culture, but an
> interesting exploration of cultural appropriation as it relates to food
> culture.
> Beyond Talk: Searching For Real Solutions to Food Appropriation
> http://civileats.com/2016/03/31/beyond-talk-the-search-for-real-solutions-in-the-conversation-about-food-and-cultural-appropriation/
> /Amanda
> On Mar 30, 2016, at 4:57 PM, Shilpa Rangnekar wrote:
> > Food has bee one of the oldest platform of exchange. Our dependence on
> food is something that connects us all over the world. At the same time,
> different ways of cooking and preparations to eat is also something that
> sets us apart. But over the years there has been a tremendous change in the
> way we understand, grow, eat and share food. In such a scenario, how does
> one connects her/himself with their cultural identity, of which food is one
> of the integral parts.
> > Coming from from India, I had often seen food as one of the important
> factors during community gatherings. There are particular rituals to be
> followed for specific food preparations for certain occasions. This is how
> we get out memories of food. Now that I am independent and cook for myself,
> I often find cooking, family recipes  in accordance to what I am
> missing/feeling at that moment.
> > Food does express itself through several memories from the past and
> keeps building new ones. I was interested in this aspect of food where it
> does talk about nutrition, agriculture, sociology and anthropology, but
> also talk about everyday emotions, feelings and desires and introspect
> about human behavior.
> --
> Amanda McDonald Crowley
> Cultural Worker / Curator
> http://publicartaction.net
> @amandamcdc
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Nicole J. Caruth

Founder and Director

With Food in Mind

P: 718.887.1880


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