[-empyre-] spatial flow

Johannes Birringer Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk
Thu Apr 28 03:26:50 AEST 2016

thanks for the first postings this week from you all, Sarah's last one will take many hours to ponder and grasp,...

may I go back and thank the first two postings by Lauren and Sarah on spatiality and gathering/ungathering (can't wait to hear Kameron on racial
capitalism's fraudulent communions and gatherings).

my question is more mundane, in the spirit of our discussion on dance/movement and
space (and someone just posted Tommy deFrantz on facebook dancing virtually on a wall at 
Detroit Institute of Arts, a projected dance that makes him look tall and elongated and distorted)

Lauren, what is gained by racialized space or thinking of the physics or the "laws" of suspension?
(<< you wrote: spaces can be racialized by the bodies and objects that move through them. My work on blackness and architecture tries to recognize
 how a space can be designed with the spatial logics of blackness (i.e. curvilinearity and continuity, the appearance of transparency, and kinds of surface appeal). 

I love the poetic sensibilities in the writing I saw this week, both in Lauren's and Sarah's. From an architectural or scenographic point of view, suspension
yes is related to tension (and tensegrity, as think some architects now ponder flexinamics and bent or curvable dynamic space, built space that can move
or behave reacting to presences in the atmospheric environment, human or non human objects moving through, across, as across suspended bridges?),
but what is it in your view on black/spatiality that makes you think of inconsequential lightness, or heaviness? 

what actual forms are produced?  and even from ballet we know of course that moving bodies (black or not black) cannot be weightless? we cannot flow away
that is the problem.. we shall (need to) be gathered?

Johannes Birringer

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