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Daniel Tércio danieltercio at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 02:37:54 AEDT 2016

Hello List

My name is Daniel Tercio.

I am a professor at University of Lisbon, teaching the courses of Dance
History, Aesthetics, Movement and Visual Arts, and New Technologies applied
to the stage, within graduate and postgraduate programmes. I am also a
member of the Board of Directors at *INET-MD Instituto de Etnomusicologia -
Centro de Estudos de Música e Dança* where I coordinate the research group
on Dance Studies.

Some years ago I took responsibility for delivery of the *Technologically
Expanded Dance*, a project supported by the Portuguese Ministry of Science.
Currently, I am looking for support for the the continuation of this

My interests are wide, ranging from aesthetics, through dance history,
cultural studies, and iconography, to digital technologies, and
experimental video. As novelist I wrote two science fiction novels and
short stories issued by Portuguese and Brazilians publishers. Meanwhile I
authored several studies on dance and art. My dance reviews appear
regularly in the Portuguese press since 2004.

Daniel Tércio

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