[-empyre-] Sergio Basbaum

Sergio Basbaum sbasbaum at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 11:05:06 AEDT 2016

Hello empireans

Not easy to present myself with few words. After you're 50, there's too
much territory explored.

Below follows an attempt to foreground some aspects of my trajectory.

Sérgio R. Basbaum

Born in São Paulo, Brazil, 1964. Lives and works in São Paulo. Artist,
researcher and teacher at Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, in
under-graduate and post graduate courses, specially at TIDD -- Program for
Post-Graduate studies in Technologies of Inteligence and Digital Design.

My first professional practice has been as a musician; two albums issued
ans several other works [http://www.soundcloud.com/sergiobasbaum]. Later,
I've got a bachelor degree in Cinema, made Master and Phd in Communication
and Semiothics and also a Post-Doc degree in Philosophy.

As a researcher [some papers can be found in
https://pucsp.academia.edu/SergioBasbaum], most of my work gravitates
different aspects of perception, art and technology, specially concerning
senses and sense. My Master dissertation was focused on Synesthesia, and I
have small book issued on this, as also as some articles around, but my PhD
-- which will be released as a book this year -- expanded my approach in an
attempt to understand the way ubiquitous digital apparatuses are changing
the way we feel, perceive, think and perform, as individuals and
collectives, in our highly technologically mediated societies. Since 2007,
I started to include cognitive sciences in my thinking, due to my
responsabilities in our program. Through all this interdisciplinar
trajectory, I feel closer to authors and philosophers somehow connected to
Phenomenological tradition. I often get back to Merleau-Ponty, and keep on
studying his inspiring legacy, trying to bring it into contemporary
problems. A group of other basic authors and philosophers have made a mark
in my thinking, and I often read and quote Marshall McLuhan, Vilém Flusser,
Heidegger, Walter Benjamin, and many others. In cognitive sciences I
usually refer to Maturana and Varela, embodiment, and recently I've been
following the works of Andy Clark, and I really appreciate his
expanded-mind concept.

As an artist, I have works in music, sound-art, video, texts, poems,
web-art -- a large scope of creative directions, in small but regular
dosis. In the last years, I developed a whole new set-up of analog and
digital guitar gear, controled through a fretless guitar, and I've been
involved in different audiovisual performance groups. Presently, we're
working as a trio -- [a.cinema]: me, synthesist Dino Vicente, video-artist
Rodrigo Gontijo -- exploring the boundaries of audiovisual improvisation.
This a work I'm very excited with, and which, I think, connects most of the
large scope of topics I've been involved with in my creative and
investigative life. Also, an ongoing project with Clayton Policarpo, [
globalstrike.net], which debates the sick productive pression we're under
these years, seems to be evolving to auspicious results.

Best vibes for all

-- Prof. Dr. Sérgio Roclaw Basbaum
-- Pós-Graduação Tec.da Inteligência e Design Digital - TIDD (PUC-SP)

-- www.sergiobasbaum.net
-- http://soundcloud.com/sergiobasbaum
-- http://soundcloud.com/pantharei <https://soundcloud.com/pantharei>
...sai dessa fila, vem pra roda festejar..
-- a.cinema <http://acinemaperformance.blogspot.com>
-- pantharei_tube <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlPdYtxV5bj5uAQwXC-M_Q>
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