[-empyre-] The Remittance House

Ana Valdés agora158 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 15:53:19 AEDT 2016

Dear all I am older than Paula :) and maybe that's the reason I am not shy
using English as linguafranca here. As Coco Fusco pointed out once "we are
talking broken English here" :)
and the   phletore of different accents make English more interesting :)
It's also a way of speak about refugees and immigrants how they change the
languages making possible new dialects and nuances and shades.
There is not "the Queen's English" but a complex weave where Shakespeare's
English merge with Danish from the time Britain was ruled by Danish
chieftains and with the Normand ' s French which was also tainted by their
native Norse.
In a post colonial reading of languages it's easy to see how writers from
the "periphery" change the soul of a language and make it more vital and
eloquent. Salman Rushdie Derek Walcott Arundathi Roy V S Naipal Toni
Morrison Nadine Gordimer for English Tahari Ben Jelloun Gisele Halimi and
so many others for French Garcia Marquez Vargas Llosa and many more for
Spanish all born in the "colonies", writing and speaking a colonized
language, the "master's language" but melted and merged with indigenous and
hybrid words, la négritude, as Aimé Cesaire coined as expression, plenty
The refugees and immigrants are a part of the permanent movement of change
and trying to stop it is useless the changes are as regular as the tide
Den 18 feb 2016 04:34 skrev "Ricardo Dominguez" <rrdominguez at ucsd.edu>:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Hola Alva,
> Thanks for sharing the work that you have been doing and developing
> collectively.
> The text that you shared reminds me of Alex Rivera's documentary the
> *Sixth Section: http://alexrivera.com/project/sixth-section/
> <http://alexrivera.com/project/sixth-section/> *This perhaps this enfolds
> the question of transversal economies, remittance cultures, and the field
> of dreams and immigration (specific to Mexico/U.S. conditions) - but
> perhaps at play on global scale as well, I would imagine.
> The undocumented create not only a construct a baseball stadium, buy a
> baseball team, get instruments of the band -a dream society back home that
> most of them will never be able to touch or smell-but non-the-less create a
> form of agency at a distance (a networked existence or expression) that
> forces governance at state level to finally responded and meet face to face
> with undocumented. The undocumented use the "imaginary" sixth section of
> their to force the state government to meet with them and start to build
> roads and infrastructure.
> Very best,
> Ricardo
> On 2/16/16 11:52 AM, Alva Mooses wrote:
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> In responding to the topic of networks and migration in the Mexico/U.S.
> context, I think of Sarah Lynn Lopez’s research, The Remittance House:
> Architecture of Migration in Rural Mexico. Lopez writes:
> Remittance houses are emblematic of a profound shift in rural Mexican
> society. Perhaps the single most striking quality of the remittance
> construction is the social distance embedded in its form. Scholars of the
> built environment can contribute to the study of how migration is
> transforming rural Mexican society by analyzing changes in spatial format
> both migrants’ places of origin and points of arrival. Social relations
> stretched across geographies and exacerbated by distance increasingly
> define places. Places in Mexico are marked by the absences and familial
> fragmentation that constitute ‘migration as a way of life’. These absences
> are a necessary precondition for migrants to realize their dream houses.
> Over the past year I have been working with four NY-based artists that are
> originally from Mexico, Cuba, Chile and Brazil to form the collective Grupo
> < > <http://cargocollective.com/grupomasquemenosque>. We have been
> meeting a couple times a month and corresponding with one another via email
> to create a collective text that connects personal narratives of origin to
> our work. Throughout the text we are able to discuss our distinct
> experiences as a refugee, immigrant, the experience of temporary work
> abroad and diaspora. We repeatedly describe the architecture of th e spaces
> that we have lived in, the geography and language; at times multiple voices
> become one.
> This is a clip from one of our first shared readings of the text:
> https://:.com/155157046 <https://vimeo.com/155157046>
> We are currently discussing ways for our Grupo < > project to extend
> beyond the five of us.
> Kind regards,
> Alva
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