[-empyre-] Camera Obscura

William Bain willronb at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 30 00:57:07 AEST 2016

Hi and thanks to all for the discussion and thevery welcome reading suggestions.This is
all much food for thought. Beatriz's com-ment on surveillance (and past mention of it on-
list) started me reconsidering ideas on how artincludes such elements. I think the constancyof a utopia/dystopia dualization influences theway creative activity of any kind calls on variousphilosop`hies and thought systems that affectthe work's theme. Obviously some fragmentationis present from the beginning. Maybe one reasonthe camera obscura facinates is its reproductionof great detail, though obviously with ceretaindistortions? I'm not trained in photo camerabut drawing glassware in art classes got meinterested in doing some simple photosof/into/through windows on buses and trains.This is an attempt to add at least two backupelements to the artwork, the aleatory, a la JohnCage, and indeterminacy, or a search for novelty(I suppose a kind of Cubism.I imagine many people on the list have done si-milar things, and undoubtably with greater technicalknow how, but two such pieces went up on mypoetry blog last week, and it seemed a good timeto mention some of my work here. Link below myname. Thanks again to all! William

http://tinyurl.com/pkemmhk  <http://tinyurl.com/pkemmhk>
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