[-empyre-] Week 1: ART/TECH/FOOD with Amanda McDonald Crowley

Ana Valdés agora158 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 14:18:03 AEDT 2016

Thank you Renate and guests to a exciting topic. That's the strength in
empyre we go from refugees to food and tech and it's a red thread here.
An interesting link to a Catalan startup making printer machines for food


Den 3 mar 2016 23:24 skrev "Renate Terese Ferro" <rferro at cornell.edu>:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Welcome to my fellow moderator  Amanda McDonald Crowley who has generously
> agreed to share her expertise on three of our mutually agreed upon
> interests:  Art, Technology, and Food.  In looking through our -empyre
> archives I can not find any time since the inception of our listserv in
> 2002 that we have dedicated a month on the convergence of these issues.
>  While Amanda steers our discussion I will be helping out logistically and
> also joining in.  We are both thrilled to welcome our invited guests for
> Week 1:Stefanie Bardin (US), Marina Zurkow (US) and Hernani Dias (ESP).
> Welcome to all of you.
> We look forward to hearing about your work and some of the issues
> revolving around the production of your ideas.
> Best, Renate
> Renate Ferro
> Visiting Associate Professor
> College of Architecture, Art and Planning
> Department of Art
> Tjaden Hall 306
> rferro at cornell.edu
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