[-empyre-] your language games

Johannes Birringer Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk
Sat Nov 12 02:48:01 AEDT 2016

Not sure I can follow or want to follow your frivolous language games here. in the aftermath of what you call delirious or nightmarish.
What does it mean, in socio-economic or political terms, to argue that you in a game at all times and (Murat suggests) as pawns at all times
where there are no rules or infinitely changeable rules. 
and what wind exactly made the elections come out the way they did, in the united states or in britain?

johannes birringer

[Adeena Karasick schreibt]

All through the nightmarish disbelief and utter delirium of yesterday, I kept wanting to post something here, but it felt frivolous, indulgent to be thinking about language games; about the celebration of multiplicity given the very real effects of the duplicity that we find all around us. 

But, in the apocalyptic aftermath of yesterday, I am awake. And I keep thinking about how language is entwined with being; (whether for Wittgenstein, Sapir Whorf or Kabbalah for that matter), language is inseparable from perception, cognition, behavior. And its very renegade multiplicitous excess, (evident in Alan’s “splatter texts” or Murat’s interventions, our multiple readings), it’s this very Sprachspiel that will save us…it’s precisely through our attention to these “games” that transformation and change happen. 

If rules of language are analogous to the rules of games; ie if saying something in language is analogous to making a move in a game, (each with its own codes, grammar, relations, contexts), and though we never fully know the rules of the game, we are always learning, internalizing, and becoming intimate with a massive, multipart, global algorithm, discovering is ALLEGO’RHYTHMS; simultaneously learning and unlearning the systems, the codes.

And I think this is something that binds all 3 of us, Alan and Murat – especially here I’m thinking of your fantastic essay at the end of "Hamlet and Its Hidden Texts: Poems as Commentary in Murat’s new Animals of Dawn (which was an amazing pleasure to read). 
The idea that not just that the rules are infinitely changing but that you have to go inside the game and change the game. 

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