[-empyre-] reply to Murat (Funkhouser, Christopher T.)

William Bain willronb at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 26 22:59:04 AEDT 2016

It’s really good, Chris, to getthese links to your work. When I met you at the 2011 edition of the biennialE-poetry Festival (Barcelona),I admired the way your poetry used music in conjunction with the spoken (maybeeven chanted) word. There is of course a great deal going on in theseperformances, forcing the reader’s attention into multiple places. You speak (ina previous post) of deciding *whether an online presentation tends to help orhinder the kinds of reading that put movement & the senses
in the forefront.* And after seeing the new work I can understand how decidingmight sometimes be difficult. In a sense this type of poetry is closer to filmwhere the staging or mise en scene has to be carefully timed (or not of coursedepending on desired effects). Murat has mentioned Benjamin in this or asimilar vein, speaking of translation and transformation. I think this takes usto metaphor and what occurs watching your performances is that the metaphorbecomes multiple – cognitive – aural – visual simultaneously. Enjoying it inany case ; )  Best wishes, William
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