[-empyre-] forwarding from David Byrne

William Bain willronb at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 6 22:04:21 AEST 2017

I've kept the subject line though my main topicjust now is about Trump admin deletion of scientificdata from govt sites. The info comes with a leadarticle in today's The Guardian. (Front page) Thedeletion down from that is at
It's by a researcher specializing on the Arctic andtalks about how their data hav been erased ortaken down from sites like US Natl Srategy forthe Arctic. Obviously this creates havoc for anyone wanting to check citations as they research.It seems utter madness. I suppose it's been inmany other news outlets. Maybe people doingbio-art will take a special interest. Regardless Ithink what we're doing here goes toward morscientific movesi. Best wishes, William

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