[-empyre-] New Year's Resolution

Frederic Neyrat fneyrat at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 06:44:22 AEDT 2017

Thanks Craig, yes, it’s a marvelous speech, and as many persons in the USA
and through the world, I’m in a position of mourning, an anticipation of
tomorrow. It’s true that Obama was such an intelligent President, and I’d
like to get an Obama in France! But when I mourn too much, I try to
remember what, for example, Cornel West says about Obama


and then my fire is a little bit less intense, I try to find another source
of enthusiasm, something that is not linked with Obama, but with the
people. I remember what Angela said a couple of years ago:

“We talked about the fact that people like to point to Obama as an
individual and hold him responsible for the madness that has happened. Of
course there are things that Obama as an individual might have done better
– he might have insisted more on the closing of Guantánamo – but people who
invested their hopes in him were approaching the issue of political futures
in the wrong way to begin with. This was something Stuart Hall always
insisted on – it’s always a collective process to change the world.”


“Always a collective process.” So my New Year’s resolution is this one:
let’s build the collective that could prevent any president to damage the

In solidarity,

Frédéric Neyrat

2017-01-19 10:30 GMT-06:00 Craig Saper <cjsaper at gmail.com>:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Andrew’s call to actions reminds me to share this collaborative animation
> just released today by the Atlantic: just in time to get folks FIRED UP for
> the collective actions happening in the next couple of days!
> Watch on The Atlantic:
> http://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/513629/fired-up-ready-to-go/?utm_source=eb
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