[-empyre-] 1. Re: Week 3: Science, Technology, Art and Fakeness

William Bain willronb at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 26 16:58:33 AEST 2017

Hello Empyreans. The far ranging discussioncontinues to enthuse...... I just wanted to pick upon Renate's comment on "Humor" in relation tothe Open Source Estrogen project. I may beback in Week 2, actually, things are moving sofast here. But basically this is just to applaud theOSE initiative for addressing estrogenic compoundconcentration and its dangers. Byron Rich's workwith drones on this seems to me fascinating andIthinnk well directed. Such mapping is I assume 
capable of detecting maybe more fully the alreadyknown presence of estrogenic compouds in fish,which seems from what (sorry but little to date) onthe problem as it affects that area. The link below 
is probably old news but not fake news and I'd encourage people to have a look. Thanks again forall th info! William (link >>
/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4145326/ /
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