[-empyre-] teaching robot poetry

Murat Nemet-Nejat muratnn at gmail.com
Fri May 5 16:28:20 AEST 2017

Hi Susan, the entirety of *The Spiritual Life of Replicants* (Talisman
House, 2011) is only in book form. It can be bought through Amazon or
Independent Book Publishers. Selections from it are on line, for instance
in *The Brooklyn Rail* (
or in Jerome Rothenbereg's *Poems and Poetics *that can be accessed through
*Jacket2*. Along with passages from the poem, Jerome included my after-word
essay "A Few Thoughts On Fragments." Also, PennSound at the University of
Pennsylvania has a video recording of me reading about half of the poem
starting from the beginning, including the Q&A section at Kelly House (
http://writing.upenn.edu/pennsound/x/Nemet-Nejat.php). It may be very worth
while buying the book itself.


On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Davin Heckman <davinheckman at gmail.com>

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Following on Alan's comments comments on canonicity, and the value of what
> exists beyond...  I suspect that the great patterning of our century is the
> orchestration of affect (things like Facebook's husbandry of wild affective
> states, their domestication, and conversion into commodities).  And here
> our passions become Roundup Ready Terminator seeds, dead end creatures in
> tidy little rows, waiting for a machine to spray the weeds.
> What can exist outside of this? Against this? In spite of this? Beyond
> this? What little wildflowers may bloom? I think the understood works are a
> place where we can see and know that in our days of emergency, not all
> emergence is equivalent, and that there are instances where we can leave
> and detect traces, however strong or subtle they may be. But there are
> territories beyond this (I was recently reading Zepka's apotrolomena), and
> the signals they send are yet more alien....  And that gives me hope.
> In reviewing the about page from the ELC 3 (http://collection.
> eliterature.org/3/about.html), I am reminded that there are some
> interesting lines of flight implied....  a collection that dwells a bit
> more on its ephemerality than the two previous, but like the others
> contains many very real wildflowers...
> Davin
> On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 11:47 AM, VANDERBORG, SUSAN VANDERBORG <
> SJVANDER at mailbox.sc.edu> wrote:
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>> Davin, thanks--these are terrific resources for the Montfort/Strickland
>> pieces! Murat, might it be possible to post a link to your poem or
>> information for the full volume?
>> These posts and Alan's detailed piece underscore great questions of
>> publication and scholarly space for discussions of robot poetry--the need
>> to remind students that the most current and thoughtful discussions are
>> taking place in newsgroups, lists, chats, open publication sites.
>> It's a wonderful boon that some of the poetry itself is available in
>> collections like the Electronic Literature Collection or on the artists'
>> site--I am so grateful to be able to direct cyborg lit students to Emily
>> Short's Galatea, for instance, or Andrew Plotkin's Shade, and Alan, I
>> believe you have posted large segments of the Internet Text online. Your
>> point, too, that many of the programming languages or environments are
>> shared reinforces the concept of publication in Borges-style, open-source
>> directions. And when some of the texts are collected in print volumes, we
>> can again discuss the effect of different visual/material formats on the
>> interpretation of the poem.
>> How have other participants and readers approached questions of
>> e-publication and forums? What opportunities or difficulties does it pose
>> for authors? How do we both encourage online postings and support the
>> amazing work of presses like Finishing Line, Barrytown, Coffee House Press,
>> Coach House Books, and many others?
>> ________________________________________
>> From: empyre-bounces at lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au [
>> empyre-bounces at lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au] on behalf of Murat
>> Nemet-Nejat [muratnn at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 8:50 AM
>> To: soft_skinned_space
>> Cc: mhree at uoregon.edu
>> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] What is robot poetics? How/why should we teach it?
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
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