[-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol154, Issue 4 (Joline Blais)

margaretha haughwout margaretha.anne.haughwout at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 02:55:15 AEDT 2017

Hello all,

Thank you William and Joline for your recent posts. To add to the
conceptions of kinship articulated here, and that perhaps come to us most
familiarly from Haraway, I'd love to share Kim TallBear's work on queer
kinship. TallBear conceives of queer kinship as a kind of solidarity for
non-indigenous work in the struggle for decolonization. A partial network,
perhaps; one that acknowledges efforts and connections, but that also keeps
indigenous identity squarely with folks who live and struggle within an
indigenous context -- often on reservations, and whose relations have
endured the brutal legacy of colonization.

This interview is a great listen:

On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 10:53 AM, William Bain <willronb at yahoo.com> wrote:
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> Hello Empyre,
> I just wanted to pick up on Margaretha's mention of
> permaculture, which I see as relating to the concept
> of sustainability and, as Randall commented in relation
> to that, to regenerativity. I read the link Joline sent
> and feel like the work with kin is very important
> in view of the disasters reated to failure to pay more
> attention to caring for environmental issues. Perhaps
> the threat of mass extinction of insects has already
> been mentioned--anyway I'd like to note its presence
> in the recent press. It has much to do, as Joline notes,
> with /inability to recover diversity/ as Deborah Bird
> Rose writes of it in /double (multiple) death/ terms.
> Below also is a link from a 2005 artice in National
> Geographic dealing with insect extinction. Other
> scholarly articles also came up in searches by this
> nonexpert.... Best wishes to all, William (link >>>
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