[-empyre-] (no subject)

Lauren Peters laurenpeters113 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 02:24:36 AEDT 2018


I am a student in Renate’s Introduction to Digital Media class and am
excited to be welcomed into the -empyre- community! Reading the archives
has certainly been fascinating, and I’m pleased to have been introduced to
online forums and listserv’s as a fantastic mode of group communication. I
happened to stumble upon a post by Ana where she linked an article by Marc
Garrett about StumpleUpon and was intrigued by the concept! Creating my own
account and using it has been extremely enjoyable and as a big fan of going
cycling through random Wikipedia pages in order to learn about something
new, (since this is essentially what StumbleUpon does), I will certainly
become a user and enjoy going through other people’s Stumbles pages.

Through my research I discovered StumpleUpon has more than 25 million
members as of 2012. Between 2008 and 2011 they were speeding at a rate of
adding 1 billion stumbles a month. Wow! I do have a few discussion
questions I’d love to get opinions on, particularly on blogging. What do
sites like StumbleUpon mean to artists? Is sharing this wide variety
information benefiting an artist’s inspiration, or will the artist have
difficulty keeping up with all the options and become overwhelmed to the
point of unproductively? Posting information on an online blog/article can
be interpreted as “less authentic” than in an online forum such as -empyre-
- why is that?

I think is the beauty of -empyre- is the fact that various, totally diverse
groups of people can come together and share information and discussions
they are passionate about. Excited to be apart of this community!
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