[-empyre-] rehearsal of a network - [week 2]

Aviva Rahmani ghostnets at ghostnets.com
Tue Jun 12 22:53:14 AEST 2018

Thanks you for this moving testimony. I have just been writing about ecocide in relation to my own project, The Blued Trees Symphony, which asserted a new definition of public good and art to assert copyright law in resistance to corporate habitat destruction. In too many places around the world, the valiant fight seems to be failing. I know for some time, I have thought dictators and environmental injustice are the perverse biogeographical corrections on human over-population. I am trying to decide if my pessimism is truly based in reality. I reach out to you in solidarity and in the spirit of mycelium to resist ecocide with defiance and faith.

Aviva Rahmani, PhD
www.ghostnets at ghostnets.com<http://www.ghostnets@ghostnets.com>
Watch ³Blued Trees²:  https://vimeo.com/135290635

From: <empyre-bounces at lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au> on behalf of John Jordan <artactivism at gn.apc.org>
Reply-To: soft_skinned_space <empyre at lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au>
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 8:40 AM
To: shu lea cheang <shulea at earthlink.net>
Cc: soft_skinned_space <empyre at lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au>
Subject: Re: [-empyre-] rehearsal of a network - [week 2]

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