[-empyre-] rehearsal of a network – [week 2] (Dominguez)

William Bain willronb at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 15 17:36:14 AEST 2018

Hello Empyreans,

Briefly: Agreeing, Ricardo, to yourways of *navigating the ruins

behind us, around us and those yetto come* I note that an article

in last year’s The Guardian arguesthat applying *green* measures at

rates based on Moore’s law could make a dent. Basic idea:double

measures introducing green energyevery five years while halving

carbon emissions every decade tohelp *deal* with global warming.

Obviously something is failing evenin applying this much, but fwiw

the link is

 / https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/mar/23/moores-law-carbon-would-defeat-global-warming/

Thanks to all for the rousingdiscussion.

Best wishes, William Bain (Barcelona)
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