[-empyre-] Thank you Sarah Watson and Lola Martinez

Renate Ferro rferro at cornell.edu
Tue Apr 2 14:10:35 AEDT 2019

Dear Sarah, 
Many thanks for reposting these biographies for your guests this past month.  Sincere thank you to you and Lola for organizing this past month’s discussion.  Our discussion to follow I think has resonances to some of the discussion points your guests brought up.  Hope you will all stay involved.  Best to you.  Renate

Renate Ferro
Curator/managing moderator

As we close out the month of March on –empyre–, I want to express my
gratitude to all of our guests who have participated over the last
four weeks and to my co-moderator, Lola Martinez. Thank you all so
much for sharing your work and for providing such valuable insights.
Since we did not have all of our guests and weekly themes flushed out
when we introduced the topic of Refiguring the Future at beginning of
the month, below is a recap that includes the weekly topics and guest

I want to end by pausing on Francesca’s post and her discussion of
recent events “happening ‘outside’ art - that is, if we think that
there is an inside and outside to art.” Moving beyond a siloed idea of
art and an inside and outside, her post makes clear that in our
current moment there is a great necessitate to think and do towards
refiguring the future. As Francesca states at the end of her post,
“So, to return to where I started from, in thinking about these events
over the past 2 weeks I have no words about art or collective art
practices, but I sense that these events, and what flows from them -
socially, politically, imaginatively - will seep into and inflect
thinking and writing and making, both personal and collective
projects. For there is no separation between art and life, it's the
same thing.”

With gratitude,


Sarah Watson
Director of Exhibitions & Chief Curator
Hunter College Art Galleries, New York

Renate Ferro
Visiting Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall 306
rferro at cornell.edu

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