Amanda McDonald Crowley amandamcdc at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 11:34:56 AEST 2019

I can attest to the fact that STWST48 is an important and inspirational
platform. The much needed moment for reflection in the tech times.

Franz/ Shu Lea/ Tanya: is there support for people to attend if they are
accepted or is there an expectation it is people already in Linz?


On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 8:29 PM Shu Lea Cheang <shulea at earthlink.net> wrote:

> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> hi, christina
> we are actually talking to Renate and Tim to use [-empyre-] platform for
> the month of september to also make discussion on STAY UNFINISHED.
> but yes, we are IRL  at
> Stadtwerkstatt Kulturvereinigung Friedhofstraße 6, A-4040 Linz, Austria
> http://stwst.at
> this is the building right betweenn ARS electronica center and its FUTURE
> LAB.
> downstairs it's the cafe strom, which is also part of STWST.
> hope you can make it.
> sl
> On 30.05.19 19:12, Christina McPhee wrote:
> Shu Lea - are the proposals for live IRL space— or online only? If live
> where — in Linz?
> Thanks
> Christina
> On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 9:13 PM Shu Lea Cheang <shulea at earthlink.net>
> wrote:
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>> Dear Empyre community
>> not so much part of ongoing dialogue, but please allow me to post here an
>> open call for stwst48x5!
>> thanks
>> sl
>>   STWST48x5
>> Founded as an artists’ collective, Stadwerkstatt (STWST), a striving,
>> living cultural space prides itself as an autonomous structure since
>> 1979, is celebrating its 40 year existence in 2019. STWST48x5, the fifth
>> edition of STWST’s annual extravaganza 48 hour showcase, held in
>> conjunction with Art Electronica, announces STAY UNFINISHED as its
>> thematic approach this year.  STAY UNFINISHED aims to look at the art of
>> the past and the projects of today. It's about history and now, it's
>> about process and transformation. It's about not being finished, not
>> getting finished, and mostly about moving forward, thinking ahead.  With
>> STAY UNFINISHED, we seek coalition with art and societies who remain in
>> constant development and perpetual movement towards a possible utopia of
>> open society in ever-expanding modes.
>> STWST has been fed with ingredients grown through an ideal-typical
>> milieu of heterogeneity of art, media, technology, culture and the social.
>> STWST48x5 - STAY UNFINISHED seeks worldwide STWST likewise cultural
>> spaces, labs, art and research initiatives to join its non-stop 48 hour
>> We want to keep the space open to grow programmatically in deep contexts
>> and rough critique. We seek to operate on the basis of non-fixed
>> identities, chasing water-clear and queer minds while voting for the
>> Many and the Other against the totalitarian One.
>> STWST48x5 - STAY UNFINISHED announces its OPEN CALL for spaces,
>> projects, initiatives, start up/start over which either in the early
>> stage of incubation or long time existing to join us for the 48 hour
>> programs that spans through September 6-8, 2019.
>> Send us a brief introduction/proposal about your space, your lab and
>> projects in one PDF document.
>> We consider the possible presentation formats include exhibition,
>> performance. archive documents, acts and re-acts, talks and makes.
>> STWST curation crew: Tanja Brandmayr, Shu Lea Cheang, Franz Xaver
>> stwst48x5opencall at stwst.at
>> DEADLINE: June 20, 2019
>> Stadtwerkstatt Kulturvereinigung Friedhofstraße 6, A-4040 Linz, Austria
>> http://stwst.at
>> https://projects.stwst.at/stwst48/
>> http://stwst48x2.stwst.at
>> http://stwst48x3.stwst.at/
>> http://stwst48x4.stwst.at
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> empyre forum
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Amanda McDonald Crowley
curator/ cultural worker

instagram/ twitter/ facebook

Summer 2019: First Fridays at Mary Mattingly's Swale
<http://www.swaleny.org/> on Governors Island, NYC
July 17-21 2019: Tinyscissors Tattoo Parlor Detroit with Amy Khoshbin, *YCNI
V*,  Detroit Art Week
Summer 2020: Protopia <http://protopia.triennal.se/>, co-curated with Marek
Walczak, Skåne, Sweden
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