Shu Lea Cheang shulea at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 17 00:25:59 AEST 2019

dear Brian

So good to hear from you!!! and thanks for always here! I read you,. 
yes, washington post article definitely.

There was this landmark case took place at the Supreme Court of the 
United States , Bowman v, Monsanto Co.ET AL.


At issue is the patented Roundup Ready soybean seeds by Monsanto, the 
farmer Vernon Hugh Bowman lost the case in 2013.

and i made a web work out of this case- http://fields.seedsunderground.net/

the site renders the entirecourt document taken from theSupreme Court of 
the United States’ Vernon Hugh Bowman v. Monsanto case (held 
inWashington, D.C.onFebruary 19, 2013) into ever-replicating seeds, 
transmitted by divine wind and distributed by human/machine power across 
the vast farmland.

(totally forgot this work, but it was included in FIELDS exhibition 
(Rixc, Riga) curated by the late Armin Medosch.


I quote also a newly published article at MAKERY (fr) by Ewen 
Chardronnet in which it recounts Dimension Plus' Soybean Futures 
exhibition at STWST48x5 this past september. 

i trust Escher Tsai of Dimension Plus will also be join us here with a 
focus of soybean war between China and Taiwan.



On 16.09.19 15:28, Brian Holmes wrote:
> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
> The global political economy alters the face of the earth.
> Since the introduction of GMO soybeans in 1996, followed by the entry 
> of China into the World Trade Organization in 2001, land-use changes 
> across the southern half of Latin America have been extreme. Pools of 
> financial investors gather capital for slash-and-burn conversion of 
> lightly forested land where cattle were formerly run. The 
> "technological package" of modified seeds, no-till sowing, and heavy 
> doses of RoundUp is applied to vast acreages under corporate 
> ownership, dwarfing the size of US farms. Airplanes slosh pesticides 
> over oceans of fresh green beans.
> In 2003, a notorious advertisement of the Syngenta corporation 
> proclaimed the "Republic of Soy," a new territory governed by 
> agro-capital, including parts of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay 
> and Argentina. Most of the beans will be made into animal feed to meet 
> the rising demand for meat among the new planetary middle classes. Soy 
> is to South America what fracking is to the North: a consequence of 
> inceasing world population and burgeoning desire, coupled with the 
> capitalist search for profit in an expanded global market.
> In Chicago, which is surrounded by an infinity of GMO corn and soy, we 
> partnered with folks in Argentina and Brazil to do an exhibition about 
> exactly these issues. It was also shown in Carbondale, Illinois; 
> Portland, Oregon; and Rosario, Argentina:
> https://www.regionalrelationships.org/tewna
> Concerning the article that Shu Lea sent, it's good and I have no 
> doubt that the demand for soybeans contributes to the fires. But this 
> piece from the Washington Post is a little more precise about everything:
> https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/09/05/were-thinking-about-amazon-fires-all-wrong-these-maps-show-why
> best, Brian
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 1:53 AM Shu Lea Cheang <shulea at earthlink.net 
> <mailto:shulea at earthlink.net>> wrote:
>     ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>     to empyre-ers
>     We start the third week of STAY UNFINISHEDxxxYours Sincerely, a
>     special month long online edition of STWST48x5 EXPANDED hosted by
>     -empyre-.
>     This past August, news from the streets of Hong Kong hit us with
>     tear gas, cannons of blue water, batons and sticks, meanwhile,
>     AMAZON is burning.
>     The fire spread, The Brazilian government refused any help from
>     the 'first' world. Let it burn!! Some speculative news articles
>     started showing up in various press.
>     Soybean, trade war with China and amazon fires, can you weave
>     these threads?
>     https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-08-25/china-s-soybean-demand-in-trade-war-could-fuel-amazon-fires?
>     forest, cows, soybeans, machines, trades, global food/trade
>     politics++++++
>     Some keywords to start this week.
>     I have invited Margaretha Haughwout, who also serves as a empyre
>     board of director, to be the moderator for this week's discussion.
>     Margaretha's personal and collaborative artwork is perhaps best
>     understood as a kind of /multispecies worlding, /a co-becoming that
>     occurs through entanglements with other life forms. Moving across
>     technology and wilderness, digital networks and the urban commons,
>     cybernetics and whole systems permaculture, her practice seeks to
>     antagonize proprietary regimes, colonial temporalities, and
>     capitalist forms of labor.
>     For STWST48x5 (Linz, September 6-8), Margaretha presented her
>     recent collaborative project, APRIORI, a faux research and
>     development group
>     that uncovers revolutionary ecologies between plants and machines
>     with Efrén Cortés Cruz, Lynn DeSilva Johnson[Elæ], and Suzanne Husky.
>     We are joined by
>     Fabi Borges (Brazil)
>     Amanda McDonald Crowley (USA)
>     Oliver Kellhammer (USA)
>     Escher Tsai (Taiwan)
>     Dawn Weleski (USA)
>     Dan Phiffer (USA)
>     who Margaretha will further introduce.
>     From the frontline of resistance,  we also hope to bring in
>     updates from Lucas Bambozzi (Sao Paulo) who is working on
>     disappearing landscapes and jamie.kelsey-fry(London) of
>     #ExtinctionRebellion.
>     Has the fall arrived in your part of the timezone yet?
>     We surely welcome all insights, input from you, the readers, the
>     lurkers, let the amazon fire smokes you out of the cave!!
>     sl
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