[-empyre-] Towards a drift in values? (part 3/3) QUESTIONS

William Bain willronb at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 23 20:28:28 AEST 2020

Many thanks, Maurice, for your extensive discussion.In briefanswer to your two questions—in all their complexity—I begin byexpressing gratitude for the link to ‘The neuronal gene *Arc* encodes…’. Themechanics explained in that article I believe sheds much light on ‘how stuffworks’ in general. Semiosis in general but especially biosemiosis alwaysalready involves a data-information exchange, and with viruses we are talkingabout entities that may be older than bacteria. But you ask, Maurice, afteryour in depth 3-part discussion, first of all ‘could we expect a constructivefight for values as a possible outcome of the virus’. My humble opinion is thatas much as outcome we should speak of continuation. Civilizationalcontinuation. My basis here might be poetry (elegy) but let me add ‘architecture’as a one word answer. Second, ‘can the artists be considered as viruses ofsocial consciousness/awareness?’ I’ve found a lot of references on internet andin cultural texts I’ve worked on as a commercial translator to art as virus.Irony is something of a capsid, and saying that I again say thanks for yourextensive and thought provoking texts. 
One othershort note has to be added here because others have already discussed these twoquestions and also influenced my thoughts. But specifically because, Simon, youmentioned the St. George’s Day celebrations of 23 April in Barcelona, where Ilive and work. It is true that here as elsewhere holiday crowds can sometimesbe rude, but thanks for the Vila-Matas text, also very inspiring. I just wantedto add that the tradition on Book Day in Catalonia of giving presents of booksand roses could also be considered infection of a life positive sort. In anycase sincere thanks to the List for the great discussion.

Bestwishes, William


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