ENC: [-empyre-] Raquel Paricio opening statement

>> I'm working in collaboration with Juan Manuel Moreno Arostegui, an engineer specialist in the implementation of electronic systems including bio-inspired principles. We are currently working in the Poetic-cubes project, based on the platform developed by the POEtic tissue project

I've seen your site and it is very intriguing! I'd like to know if the research you are doing aims in a certain extent the manufacturing of a piece of art.

>> The first point of our research is to facilitate the development of attention, i.e., to be conscious of our attention or of our perceptions (that is what Leibniz termed "apperception"). In my opinion this is the previous step to acquire new levels of consciousness.

This is a major issue, since it implies in cybernetics of second order. I'd like to know if the work of Heinz von Foerster inspires your work. I guess so, because the expressions "autonomous evolutionary", "self-repair", "self-replication" are all over your site. (It recalls me also Maturana). This is one of the most important discussions I've seen here in this list. Please, Rachel, specify what kind of interfaces you are developing for POetic. In my researching, I've came across with two kinds of interfaces: the first one is a subject/object type interface, which implies in a separation between the two entities; the second one is an object/object type interface, which implies in a blurring of the frontiers between the two entities. The terms "subject" and "object" don't have any defined connotation here and have just an instrumental function (an object could be an "quasi-object", for instance). Anyway, I'm neither a scientist nor an artist; I'm just a tech journalist interested in these issues. I'd love to discuss this with people with more scientific background than me.


Guilherme Kujawski

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