[-empyre-] to brazil with love (but not for the state)

Irina Contreras poopstarr at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 3 09:03:51 EST 2008

also just wanting to state that this email seems incredibly vague so I am wondering if it is intentionally so since you added to the subject topic.

but i would also agree that taking control seems besides not possible, irrelevent...fabi was speaking to creating ones own collectively but i dont think in replacement. I don't think of these things as merely didactic in nature but perhaps they are: I just think of them as alongside or whathaveyou.

But you also said well meaning cretins Brian which uh....seems a little....well, I don't know. Perhaps its a different sense of humor or you were being ???? I just wouldnt want to suggest personally that for one are there assholes for example that work within institutions where I live in Los Angeles that are well meaning??? I doubt it but on the other hand I wouldn't suggest they are mongrels.

Also, maybe I am concentrating on semantics but I just think that if you are gonna talk about cretin like acts...voting within an electoral system and expecting something grandiose to come out of is the worst in my opinion.

--- On Sat, 5/31/08, brian.holmes at wanadoo.fr <brian.holmes at wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> From: brian.holmes at wanadoo.fr <brian.holmes at wanadoo.fr>
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] to brazil with love (but not for the state)
> To: empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> Date: Saturday, May 31, 2008, 2:50 PM
> sdv at krokodile.co.uk sdv at krokodile.co.uk WROTE:
> "just as it is insufficient to think 
> of  a politics that abstracts itself from the domain of the
> state, 
> creating spaces outside of the state, new sites of
> resistence.  Contrary 
> to this naive approach surely the issue is to take control
> of the 
> state-apparatus,  which contains the implication that
> artists, 
> craftspeople and users should take control of the art and
> cultural 
> industry."
> >From my perspective the various nation-states, and
> particularly the largest
> of them, are fundamental for any grasp of domination in the
> present. I
> believe that anyone who wants to know the reality with
> which she will come
> to grips, must become keenly aware of the state-form, of
> its particular
> composition at any given place or moment.
> At the same time, from my perspective the possibility of
> taking control of
> these entities called states does not exist.
> I can be fairly assured that for the remainder of my mortal
> days, the art
> and cultural industry will be controlled by more-or-less
> well-meaning
> cretins who will aim to reconcile the singular producers of
> culture with
> some statistical averages of "what people like"
> or "what people are willing
> to hear". I don't expect anything from a 1% to 5%
> fluctuation in the
> so-called "consciousness" of these averages. None
> of this prevents me from
> working in the most open, generous and rigorous way
> possible. None of this
> prevents me from voting or even campaigning for lesser
> evils. It only
> prevents me from believing in illusions.
> We are minorities. Get used to it.
> best, Brian
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