[-empyre-] Games, histories and preservation

melinda R melindr at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 23:52:29 EST 2008

melanie welcome..
 yes ther e is an odd lag zone where periodically posts dont appear on
the list or even in the admin filters untill up to 5 hours later..
COFA may be have a server issue ..
so its requiring a little patience.. and many doubling effects.. so
delayed gratification ..

>I hope I won't be thought a rude dinner party invitee, but I must take
up Melinda's claim in her introduction, that:

luv a dissenter!!!.
as a self proclaimed novice in the gamer arena thi is what appears to
be happening from my watcher spot..
 my exteriority is an extrapolation of  the interiroity of media arts
histories which are truly being written in stone now..   limited
perspectives have become generalities because of instutional
affiliation..  celebrities are made because of geo politics or random
dinner party conversations - what was daring is forgotten when some
else dies of a viral disease or colesterolled arteries... .the same
sort of stuff that history, religion and popular culture are made

the nuances of text are funny.. I am far from portraying this
historicising in a  celebratory mode ..its more tradegy i was
evoking.. or was that melodrama.. as you say ..get away from the us or
japan and its another world..

what i do celebrate is the access that museum shows bring to new
audiences - audiences who dont have to be deeply engaged in game
culture to be surprised,inspired amused, enthralled,entertained.

mmm dessert
my local corner store makes something dangerous called "white
chocolate seduction.."

"Right now Game history is centralising and solidifying from it's
former malleable position of marginalism – archives are filling up,
meta data is amassed, manifestos are written, authors proclaim
authority, order and hierarchy are imposed. Museums like ACMI in
Melbourne, Australia commission and show new game work, and examine
local gaming history with shows like Game On and Hits of the 80s. The
expansive LABoral in Gjion, Spain is demonstrating a major commitment
to game culture – opening with Gameworld and now Homo Ludens Ludens,
in which many of our guests are involved."

Don't get me wrong, it's great to see these shows and activity
happening, but I'd query whether a "centralising and solidifying" of
game history is actually happening (or to be celebrated for that
matter).  I see things as much more ambivalent.  And what makes you
say that archives are filling up, Melinda?  With games?  As I moderate
and closely read the IGDA game_preservation SIG's mailing list, I
thought I was fairly up with the play of preservation initiatives
internationally, but perhaps I'm wrong.  Am I missing all the action?

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