[-empyre-] games as art or art as game

Ilias Marmaras mbholgr at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 01:08:55 EST 2008

hello all
I would like to introduce myself to the list members , so I am Ilias
Marmaras a member of the media group Personal Cinema, that is engaged  in
the production of some political or educational videogames among other
I find your topics of discussion very interesting , especially on the issue
of archiving or taxonomy of the games.
I want just to make a small comment so to light up one side of the sense of
Archive as you probably know, is a word that comes from the Greek *Arkhe *that
means at once both the *commencement* and the *commandment*. In other words
the beginning of something and the control , the power on it. Two principles
in one , the first in accord with nature or history where things commence ,
a physical or historical principle and at the same time, a principle
according to the law , where we have the state of commanding, the authority
on something and the order that is exercised via the control. That gives the
deepest meaning to the word *Arkhe* _and to archive respectively_ by
revealing the spatial sense in it, as the place from which control and order
is given. So, logically by creating an archive one creates a control point
and by that she meets the theory of the archive in general, that is no other
than the theory of institutionalisation . It is not simply the creation of a
technique of search or a technique of meta data process but mostly the
creation of a law or laws and the right which authorizes it. The same goes
for taxonomy an other Greek word that includes the word *order _taxis_* in
it. Consequently, a question arises that is: if by archive one is intend to
create a law system, to link to some existing rules or to fold in the
existing laws and rules that govern other aspects of life the play. And if
so which is its authority to do so?
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