[-empyre-] games as art or art as game (was/should-be Institutionalisation)

mez breeze netwurker at gmail.com
Sat Mar 29 22:14:00 EST 2008

[can't resist jumping.in2.the.flow, here]....

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Julian Oliver <julian at selectparks.net> wrote:
>  (disclaimer: this written as a brain dump. will probably be off topic
>  and at times incoherent).

yay! my kind_of post then:)

[read: off_topic/incoherency/non_linear = purrfect gel point 4
projection, insight + innovation].

>  this trajectory, i think, can be quickly abstracted to places that
>  easily overlook the real relationship between an institution and an
>  artistic movement, an artist or body of work.

just fast_4warding then rewinding back 2 this discourse point in order
2 [st]a[te]sk:
julian, u r v clear [despite ur fear of incoherency] regarding the
[parasitic?] relationship between concepts of institutionalisation +
_Art_; i'd luv u 2 unpack wot u c as "the real relationship between an
institution and an artistic movement..." etc?


: mmo.[s]tabbings.ripple+sh[ape.avian.l]ift :
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