[-empyre-] Preview May 2008 for on -empyre-: ¿Qué Onda Izquierda? : Artist-social interventions in Latin America

Christina McPhee christina at christinamcphee.net
Thu May 1 13:20:33 EST 2008

dear -empyreans-,

Thanks Tim and Renate and the Wired Sustainability participants for  
April 2008.  I really appreciated the vigorous discussion and  
especially the plethora of links and references to new work.  Hope to  
continue this momentum starting  tomorrow as we move into  a new  
topic--  with a special contribution by organizing guest moderators  
Jennifer Flores Sternad and Brian Whitener.  English, Spanish and  (we  
hope, even) Portuguese posts are most welcome!  Welcome, Jennifer and  



¿Qué Onda Izquierda? : Artist-social interventions in Latin America


This month's discussion explores  the political potential of creative  
practice and the creativity demanded in social and subjective  
transformation. Our guests are artists, activists, and researchers  
from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and the US who create and act  
collectively in concert with social movements and in situated  
struggles against the (de)formations of imperialist capital."   With  
guest moderators Jennifer Flores Sternad and Brian Whitener,

La discusión de este mes es sobre la potencia política de prácticas  
creativas y de la creatividad que necesita la transformación social.  
Nuestros invitados son artistas, activistas e investigadores de  
Argentina, Brasil, México, y los Estados Unidos, quienes crean y  
actúan en colectivo con movimientos sociales y determinadas luchas  
contra las (de)formaciones del capitalismo imperialista.

with guests:  Ala Plástica, BijaRi, Etcétera, Fabiane Borges, Ricardo  
A. Bracho, Frente 3 de Fevereiro, Daniel Lima, Felipe Teixeira  
Gonçalves, La Lleca, Eduardo Molinari

------------------.>Ala Plástica (AR) is an arts and environmental  
organization that works bio-regionally within the nation of Argentina  
and internationally. Their principle concern lies in linking ways of  
thinking and working in the arts to the development of active projects  
in social and environmental arenas.

------------------->Ala Plástica (AR) es una asociación artística  
ambientalista que trabaja bio-regionalmente, dentro de la nación  
Argentina así como internacionalmente. Su mayor preocupación es  
relacionar modos de pensar y trabajar en las artes para desarrollar  
proyectos activos en los ámbitos sociales y ambientales.

--------------------->BijaRi (BR) is a center for visual arts and  
multimedia creation that proposes artistic experimentation, especially  
of a critical character, by developing projects through diverse  
resources and technologies, including urban interventions,  
performances, video art, design, and web design.

----------------------->BijaRi (BR) es un centro de creación de artes  
visuales y multimedia con base en San Pablo. Mediante proyectos  
desarrollados en diversos soportes y tecnologías, como intervenciones  
urbanas, performances, videos, diseño y web design, el grupo actúa  
proponiendo experimentaciones artísticas mayormente de carácter crítico.

----------------------->Etcétera… (AR) was created in 1997 by artists  
who shared a desire to form a group and be part of a movement that  
would bring art into public spaces of social conflict and move social  
conflicts into areas where they had been previously silenced (e.g. the  
mass media and the culture industry’s institutions and mega-events.)

----------------------->Etcétera… (AR) fue creado en 1997 por artistas  
que experimentan colectivamente el deseo de conformar un grupo y ser  
parte de un movimiento con el cual podrían llevar el arte a las  
calles, a los espacios de conflicto social, como así mismo desplazar  
estos conflictos sociales hacia otros espacios en los cuales  
permanecían silenciados (instituciones culturales, medios de  
comunicación masiva, los mega eventos instalados por la industria  

--------------------->Fabiane Borges (BR) researches the language of  
performance and politics.  She is a media and communication activist  
who works with genders, transgenders, and technology and she organizes  
public artistic events with social movements and organizations, such  
as those related to prostitution, indigenous groups, and the anti- 
psychiatry movement.

---------------->Fabiane Borges (BR) é pesquisadora da linguagem da  
performance e politica é ativista de mídia e comunicação; atua com  
gêneros, transgêneros e tecnologia. Organiza eventos de arte pública  
junto a vários segmentos sociais, como luta antimanicomial,  
prostituição, povos indígenas e outros.

------------------.Ricardo A. Bracho (US) is a playwright based in Los  
Angeles who is the birth product of Third World Brain Drain and  
Mexican immigrant Marxist-Leninism.

------------------->Ricardo A. Bracho (US) es dramaturgo arraigado en  
Los Ángeles quien es un producto de la fuga de cerebro del tercero  
mundo y de marxismo-leninismo mexicano inmigrante.

--------------------->Jennifer Flores Sternad (US) is a writer,  
curator, and educator who has been engaged since 2001 in an  
investigation on militant art practice in the US and Latin America  
since 2001.

----------------------->Jennifer Flores Sternad (US) es escritor,  
educatora y curadora independiente. Está realizando desde 2001 una  
investigación sobre prácticas artísticas militantes en los Estados  
Unidos y América latina.

--------------------->Frente 3 de Fevereiro [February 3rd Front] (BR)  
is a research and artistic intervention group concerned with racism in  
Brazilian society. The group's artistic interventions create new forms  
of protest pertaining to racial issues and connects with the artistic  
legacy of generations that created new ways to interact with urban  
space in light of the history of the Afro-Brazilian struggle and  

--------------------->A Frente 3 de Fevereiro (BR) é um grupo de  
pesquisa e intervenção artística acerca do racismo na sociedade  
brasileira. As intervenções artísticas criam novas formas de  
manifestação sobre as questões raciais. Associa o legado artístico de  
gerações que pensaram maneiras de interagir com o espaço urbano à  
histórica luta e resistência da cultura afro-brasileira.

------------->Daniel Lima (BR) is an artist whose work with the  
collectives Frente 3 de Fevereiro and Política do Impossível [Politics  
of the Impossible] develops investigations pertaining to media, racial  
issues, and educational processes. His visual-sculptural interventions  
and interferences in the São Paulo metropolis engender unexpected  
situations that potentially disrupt urban everyday life.

------------------>Daniel Lima (BR) es artista que se vale de recursos  
plásticos para crear situaciones inesperadas y potencialmente  
desestructurantes de la cotidianeidad urbana de la metrópolis de San  
Pablo muy ligado a producciones colectivas. Actualmente investiga  
problemas relacionados con los medios de comunicación, cuestiones  
raciales y procesos educativos en dos diferentes grupos Frente 3 de  
Fevereiro  y Política do Impossível.

----------------------->Felipe Teixeira Gonçalves (BR) researches and  
works on questions of racism in Brazilian society by way of urban  
interventions as a member of the collective Frente 3 de Fevereiro. He  
is currently a Master student in International Political Economy at  
the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

--------------------->Felipe Teixeira Gonçalves (BR) pesquisa y  
trabaja con las cuestiones del racismo en la sociedad brasileña por  
medio de intervenciones urbanas como un miembro del colectivo Frente 3  
de Fevereiro. Es un estudiante de Maestria en Economia Política  
Internacional en la Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

------------------>Bill Kelley, Jr. (US) is a Los Angeles based  
educator, independent curator and critic. He is currently pursuing a  
Ph.D. in Contemporary Theory and Criticism from the University of  
California, San Diego where his current research focuses on  
contemporary collaborative art practices.

------------------->Bill Kelley, Jr. (US) es educador, curador  
independiente y crítico de arte, y vive en Los Angeles. Está  
realizando su doctorado en Teoría y Crítica Contemporánea en la  
University of California San Diego (UCSD), e investiga sobre  
colaboración en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas.

----------------------->La Lleca is an artist-social intervention that  
takes place within the prison system of Mexico City as an attempt to  
develop methods of intervening into it and for generating  
collaborative knowledges about it. It was founded in 2004 by Lorena  
Mendez and Fernando Fuentes.

---------------------->La Lleca es una intervención social-artístico  
que toma lugar adentro del sistema carcelario de la Cuidad de México  
fundido en 2004 por Lorena Méndez y Fernando Fuentes. Es un intento de  
desarrollar nuevas herramientas de transformación social y de  
intervención artístico.

----------------------->Eduardo Molinari (AR) is an artist and  
educator whose work is based in walking as an artistic practice and in  
research that uses artistic methods. In 2001 he founded the Walking  
Archive [Archivo Caminante], a growing visual archive that  
investigates relations between art, politics and history to propose  
critical readings of official historical narratives.

-------------------->Eduardo Molinari (AR) es artista y docente  
universitario; su obra otorga fundamental importancia al andar como  
práctica artística y a la investigación a través de métodos  
artísticos. En el año 2001 funda el Archivo Caminante, archivo visual  
en progreso que indaga las relaciones entre arte, política e historia,  
proponiendo una lectura crítica de las narrativas históricas oficiales.

------------------->Brian Whitener is a writer, researcher,  
translator, and member of the collective project La Lleca. Since 2005  
he has undertaken an investigation on new political and artistic  
movements in Latin America and autonomist political theory.

--------------------->Brian Whitener es un escritor, investigador,  
traductor y integrante al proyecto La Lleca. Desde 2005 ha llevado a  
cabo una investigación sobre nuevos movimientos políticas y artísticos  
en America Latina y la teoría política autonomista.

Christina McPhee

PO Box 7063
Los Osos, CA 93412 USA

Department of Film and Digital Media
University of California at Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

001 805 459 4939
skype:  naxsmash

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