[-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds

G.H. Hovagimyan ghh at thing.net
Sun Apr 5 03:28:02 EST 2009

On Apr 2, 2009, at 10:54 AM, davin heckman wrote:

> Where I
> think that critical theory has gotten off track is in the leap from
> this observation--that signs are arbitrary and unstable and have no
> inherent truth--into this view that whoever can assert power over
> discourse can make language do whatever they want it to.

My group Artists Meeting is now taking theoretic tracks and using them  
as scripts for a "theoretical soap box opera." Raphaele Shirley is the  
director of these video soap operas.  The concept is to take soap  
opera actor types and have them  mouth theoretical text in high  
emotional states.  One tract in particular is absolutely hilarious.  
It's a Derrida passage where he does a philosophical analysis of  
trembling.  Theory actually performs well when high states of emotion  
are introduced!

G.H. Hovagimyan

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