April 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Apr 2 02:51:42 EST 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 22:10:18 EST 2009
Messages: 222
- [-empyre-] April 2009 on –empyre-
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] April 2009 on –empyre-
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] April 2009 on –empyre-
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
G.H. Hovagimyan
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] (no subject)
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] Mass Marketism
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] entanglement
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] entanglement
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] entanglement
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] networks and exchange
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] networks and exchange
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] entanglement
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] networks and exchange
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Counterproduction
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Fascination
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
G.H. Hovagimyan
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Fear, Trembling
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Enter...the Octo-Mom
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
Julian Oliver
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] entanglement
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
G.H. Hovagimyan
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
G.H. Hovagimyan
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
Julian Oliver
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
{ brad brace }
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Of Dystopias
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Perversities
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
editor at intertheory.org
- [-empyre-] entanglement
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Perversities
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Eddies, Whirlwinds, Trade Winds
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] The Wiz
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Perforated Identites
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] A strange bit of luck
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Fw: Floating
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 53, Issue 6
Cinzia Cremona
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] Speed Responders
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 53, Issue 6
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] entanglement
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] le féminin stabilise
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] le féminin stabilise
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
Sally Jane Norman
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Counterproduction
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Counterproduction
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Geflecht
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
Brian Holmes
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Geflecht
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] black money
Jim Andrews
- [-empyre-] Fascination or, the market/culture parallax
editor at intertheory.org
- [-empyre-] black money
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Geflecht
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Enter...the Octo-Mom
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] black money
Jim Andrews
- [-empyre-] Magma
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Magma
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Magma
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Contretemps
Cinzia Cremona
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] Speculative Bonanza
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] The Temporality of Friendship
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Objecthood and Ephemerality
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Speculative Bonanza
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Objecthood and Ephemerality
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Objecthood and Ephemerality
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
nick knouf
- [-empyre-] Objecthood and Ephemerality
Cynthia Beth Rubin
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called crisis
sparkle at c-level.cc
- [-empyre-] The E-ject
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Mismatches, Holes, Spaces
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] More Art
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 53, Issue 15
Cinzia Cremona
- [-empyre-] The E-ject
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Artists Against Oligarchy?
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called crisis
nick knouf
- [-empyre-] More Art
nick knouf
- [-empyre-] Les Choses
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Fakes
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] TAZ-mania
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] children of the damned
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] TAZ-mania
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] local currencies
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] local currencies: Ithaca Hours
Renate Ferro
- [-empyre-] local currencies
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] A strange bit of luck
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] headline: human interaction reaches junk status!
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] TAZ-mania
- [-empyre-] A strange bit of luck
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] headline: human interaction reaches junk status!
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Synod(e)
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Rock Theory
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Meta-
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Mystery Money
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Beyonce/Burger King
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] On higher ed...
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Rock Theory
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Meta-
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Beyonce/Burger King
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] On higher ed...
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Geflecht
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
Julian Oliver
- [-empyre-] Geflecht
{ brad brace }
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
brian whitener
- [-empyre-] Beyonce/Burger King
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] NIxon, not FDR - Geflecht
Cynthia Beth Rubin
- [-empyre-] Moving Violations
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Temporary, Autonomous, Zoned
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] N-gons + Green Miles
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Magma
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Contretemps
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Magma
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] N-gons + Green Miles
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Banalities
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Manhattans, Rusty Nails
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Contretemps
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Parallels
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Nixed
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Sonic Boom
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Artists Against Oligarchy?
marc herbst
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Manhattans, Rusty Nails
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 53, Issue 15
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] local currencies
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 53, Issue 15
Julian Oliver
- [-empyre-] Pomo Guilt: Vestige? Remainder?
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Biomes
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Willowy
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Meta-
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
Anna Munster
- [-empyre-] Biomes
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Rock Theory (and Jesse Livermore)
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
Anna Munster
- [-empyre-] Meta-
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Beyonce/Burger King
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Meta-
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Beyonce/Burger King
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Rock Theory
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] op-ed piece (markets and graduate studies)
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Rock Theory
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
jeff pierce
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Meta-
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Trust
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Meta-
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Lively, Capital
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Electromagnetism and Otherness
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Meta-
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Detours
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] The Place of Skulls
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Meta-
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Meta-
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Meta-
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] All Systems Go
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Metabolisms
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Axiomatics
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Axiomatics 2
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 53, Issue 31
Simon Biggs
- [-empyre-] NYTimes.com: Obama Acts to Ease Flu Fears; U.S. Says It Is Prepared
greengreen44 at live.fr
- [-empyre-] MPH
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Shopping Mall U
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] On higher ed...
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] On Currencies, Capitalism, and the Fed
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Moving Violations
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Magma
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Fatigue and the world-system
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Artists Against Oligarchy?
nick knouf
- [-empyre-] Contretemps
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] On higher ed...
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Parallels
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] Artists' responses to the so-called "crisis"
David Chirot
- [-empyre-] Shopping Mall U
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Magma
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Big Love
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Back to Bartending?
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Pop!
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Virgule vs. Ellipsis: the Poetics of Capital
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
Anna Munster
- [-empyre-] Meta-
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] System, Environment, Operation
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] The Poetics of Torture
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] coda
Nicholas Ruiz III
- [-empyre-] coda
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] On higher ed...
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit....
Terry Hargrave
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
Anna Munster
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
- [-empyre-] Nothingness
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
Cynthia Beth Rubin
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Nothingness
Anna Munster
- [-empyre-] Off
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] Nothingness
Michael Angelo Tata, PhD
- [-empyre-] coda
joseph tabbi
- [-empyre-] Trans-border Tools by EDT
Ricardo Dominguez
- [-empyre-] Tacticality: 4 Anna
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit....
sdv at krokodile.co.uk
- [-empyre-] Trans-border Tools by EDT
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit....
davin heckman
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 22:10:18 EST 2009
Archived on: Thu Apr 30 22:54:20 EST 2009
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