[-empyre-] Pomo Guilt: Vestige? Remainder?

Michael Angelo Tata, PhD mtata at ipublishingllc.com
Sat Apr 25 07:09:29 EST 2009



Thanks for providing the Baudrillard quote--it resonates beautifully with our ongoing discussion about credit, debt, and a gift that must exude generosity transcendentally (a metaphysical "ruse" in its own way).  Perhaps what needs further examination is a theory of postmodern guilt, since Baudrillard's tones are not so different from Lacan's when he overstates the case for a split subject defined in an originary way by lack, Derrida's, when he advocates an ontological disparity between the human and the divine which necessitates a suspension of the ethical, or even Heidegger's, when he describes the "Call" of Being (something not everyone can hear).  How and why does guilt survive in a secular fashion, even when its apparent need has been obviated?  And how does it not appear in the places we might expect it to: the Octo-Mom's uterus, Bernie Madoff's office?  

Michael Angelo Tata, PhD  347.776.1931-USA


> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 13:15:08 -0500
> From: julian at julianoliver.com
> To: empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> Subject: Re: [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 53, Issue 15
> ..on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 09:56:42AM -0700, Nicholas Ruiz III wrote:
> > With regard to the debt or credit we cannot be rid of, there is a wonderful thought from Baudrillard:
> > 
> > "All current strategies boil down to this:
> > passing around the debt, the credit, the unreal, unnameable thing you cannot
> > get rid of. Nietzsche analyzed the
> > strategem of God in these terms: in redeeming man’s debt by the sacrifice of
> > His son, God, the great Creditor, created a situation where the debt could
> > never be redeemed by the debtor, since it has already been redeemed by the creditor. In this way, He created the possibility of an
> > endless circulation of that debt, which man will bear as his perpetual
> > sin. This is the ruse of God. But it is also the ruse of capital, which, at
> > the same time as it plunges the world into ever greater debt, works
> > simultaneously to redeem that debt, thus creating a situation in which it will
> > never be able to be cancelled or exchanged for anything."
> This is certainly a great quote. Looking at the cultures of superstition
> surrounding gambling you clearly see this bridge between god and capital - a
> metaphysics of debt and salvation - described. 
> Chairs,
> -- 
> Julian Oliver
> home: New Zealand
> based: Madrid, Spain
> currently: Lima, Peru 
> about: http://julianoliver.com
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