[-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 50, Issue 15

Pall Thayer palli at pallit.lhi.is
Sun Jan 18 12:43:48 EST 2009

> I have never had a problem with using the word digital to describe  
> what I, and others, do. However, I have often had a problem with  
> the word art. Too much baggage. I prefer to concern myself with  
> epistemology and ontology rather than money and fashion.

I don't know if you're being sardonic but I think rejecting the term  
art is a bit extreme. If you really prefer epistemology and ontology  
OVER art, then wouldn't it make more sense to completely disregard  
the often cryptic method of presenting ideas in an artistic,  
audiovisual manner? The inclusion of the term "art" provides context  
that may suggest meanings that go beyond merely what is presented at  
the surface. It invites personal interpretation that perhaps warrants  
a more aesthetic attitude than other types of material. Art is often  
composed of fragments of ideas whereas theoretical/philosophical  
essays take a more complete and concrete approach. The way I see it,  
there's a huge divide between the two. One conveys ideas, the other  
suggests ideas.

But this is all open for debate.

best r.
Pall Thayer

> Regards
> Simon
> On 17/1/09 01:00, "empyre-request at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au" <empyre- 
> request at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au> wrote:
>> "Digital" is in every sense of the word a contemporary  
>> manifestation of
>> difference, yet it is also becoming assimilated by the institution  
>> that is
>> unable to completely be successful to say that digital is the same  
>> as any
>> other field of art practice.  Consider this: we don't hear  
>> painting as a
>> practice worrying about the fact that it is painting anymore... We  
>> don't
>> hear sculpture denying its thingness... We don't hear conceptual art
>> denying/celebrating itself as an idea...  Yet they are all  
>> different and are
>> part of history according to the very names that make them  
>> identifiable as
>> discourses within art practice and its history.
> Simon Biggs
> Research Professor
> edinburgh college of art
> s.biggs at eca.ac.uk
> www.eca.ac.uk
> www.eca.ac.uk/circle/
> simon at littlepig.org.uk
> www.littlepig.org.uk
> AIM/Skype: simonbiggsuk
> Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland,  
> number SC009201
> _______________________________________________
> empyre forum
> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
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Pall Thayer
palli at pallit.lhi.is

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