[-empyre-] Mez Breeze [_Netwurker_]: Resolution for Digital Futures
Nicholas Ruiz III
editor at intertheory.org
Sat Jan 31 04:00:17 EST 2009
But where, oh where, are the 'Exchangers,' on this neo-megalithic complexicon of a wishlist...
Nicholas Ruiz III, Ph.D
Editor, Kritikos
From: Timothy Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>
To: soft_skinned_space <empyre at gamera.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 11:48:53 AM
Subject: [-empyre-] Mez Breeze [_Netwurker_]: Resolution for Digital Futures
_Tu[r]ning Up The [Ch]A[racter]vatar Heat_
A prognostic>futuroidal New Years Res[Sing.the.Gameic.Body] [wish]list:
* Wish 1: Purveyors of cultural production [including contemporary
expressorz + corresponding theorizers>critiquers] up[date]grade
[pre]set creativity conc[r]e[te]pts _away from_
standardised>regular>traditional notions of "art" +/or "culture" +
_[re]wire these_ via [reflecting>embracing] platforms designed 2
emulate+promote play>curiosity thru aggregational>netwurked>augmented
* Wish 2: Gatekeepers [ie academic promulgators +
Xinsert-label-of-ur-choice-hereX-media experts] of
culture|entertainment [de]sign>absorb>encourage the creation of
[gameic]wurks that seek 2 engage + connect via multiple triggerings of
subjective|active meaning frameworks involving less _manifest creator
intention_ + more lattice-like involvement>content composition.
* Wish 3: Hoping_4>banking_on sensations experienced by
absorbers>readers>constructors>viewers of 1) + 2) 2 include a loverly
shud[|t]d[|t]ering/jumping disruption of regular comprehension
processes + sensory trickling via com[/]bin[/]ations of nestled
meaning + heavy duty _snippetry_ [definition insert: _snippetry_ =
terminology 4 collapsing info-categories that hi-light connector
states + "value" currents + encompass[es] the drench of the social(ly
wired) with trad_channel jigsawing . Snippetry may deny
mono>primary>directional>authorial>ownership concepts completely].
* Wish 4: Purrsonally [hide +]seeking 2 absorb>create>promote
wurkstates that process|update change + morph constantly in line with
the enorm[delici]ous amount of in[de]formation being pro[ac]cessed
everyday; from s[oc_net.d]ens[e.st]ory [overload/sha]rings 2 the
t[actile]ouch of the delicate - co-opting/rema[sh]king/regurgitating
it all via [sc]avenging>cobbling>extending
Bio: Mez Breeze [aka _Netwurker_] (Australia) is a Reality Engineer
who has had a
sustained presence in synthetic realities for over two decades. She is
also an established net artist and game theorist who practices _Poetic
Game Interventions_ [the creative manipulation of MMO parameters in
order to disrupt or comment on various aspects of augmented states].
Renate Ferro and Tim Murray
Co-Moderators, -empyre- a soft-skinned-space
Department of Art/ Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
Cornell University
empyre forum
empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
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