[-empyre-] Mez Breeze [_Netwurker_]: Resolution for Digital Futures

mez breeze netwurker at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 08:45:29 EST 2009

oh hai NRIII.

exchangers = 1) +2) +3) +4) + more>many+undefinable. c[reative]ontent
creation is>resides in the interactions of the
Purveyors/Gatekeepers/absorbers>readers>constructors>viewers? @core
i'm advocating a substantial tilt>shift of categorical>perceptual
bases in regards 2 wot = culture>artistic expression>valued

think ov a: "...fluid process of content absorption and production,
social data surging and information engagement" via "...types of
unintentional and deliberately augmented recreation. These recreation
types are reliant on immediacy of response, play, and Pranksterism.
They employ Sandboxing, Gonzoism and spontaneous engagement. This type
of entertainment is termed _Presencing_.
...Examples include the Streisand Effect, Supercutting, Flashmobbing,
the Slashdot/Digg Effect, acts by the group Anonymous, Geohashing,
Image macro generation and Internet meme threading. Less defined
examples include: MMOG guild interactions [think: user generated
games-within-games], Virtual World involvements, and Social Networking
via application adoption and creation...Presencing showcases
accidental or reflexive entertainment elements where the
fictional/non-fictional divide is erased; associated validity
qualifiers are also removed and reconceptualised. Amateur production
is equated with valued expression."


On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 4:00 AM, Nicholas Ruiz III
<editor at intertheory.org> wrote:
> But where, oh where, are the 'Exchangers,' on this neo-megalithic
> complexicon of a wishlist...
> Nicholas Ruiz III, Ph.D
> Editor, Kritikos
> http://intertheory.org
> ________________________________
> From: Timothy Murray <tcm1 at cornell.edu>
> To: soft_skinned_space <empyre at gamera.cofa.unsw.edu.au>
> Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 11:48:53 AM
> Subject: [-empyre-] Mez Breeze [_Netwurker_]: Resolution for Digital Futures
> _Tu[r]ning Up The [Ch]A[racter]vatar Heat_
> A prognostic>futuroidal New Years Res[Sing.the.Gameic.Body] [wish]list:
> * Wish 1: Purveyors of cultural production [including contemporary
> expressorz + corresponding theorizers>critiquers] up[date]grade
> [pre]set creativity conc[r]e[te]pts _away from_
> standardised>regular>traditional notions of "art" +/or "culture" +
> _[re]wire these_ via [reflecting>embracing] platforms designed 2
> emulate+promote play>curiosity thru aggregational>netwurked>augmented
> states.
> * Wish 2: Gatekeepers [ie academic promulgators +
> Xinsert-label-of-ur-choice-hereX-media experts] of
> culture|entertainment [de]sign>absorb>encourage the creation of
> [gameic]wurks that seek 2 engage + connect via multiple triggerings of
> subjective|active meaning frameworks involving less _manifest creator
> intention_ + more lattice-like involvement>content composition.
> * Wish 3:  Hoping_4>banking_on sensations experienced by
> absorbers>readers>constructors>viewers of 1) + 2) 2 include a loverly
> shud[|t]d[|t]ering/jumping disruption of regular comprehension
> processes + sensory trickling via com[/]bin[/]ations of nestled
> meaning + heavy duty _snippetry_ [definition insert: _snippetry_ =
> terminology 4 collapsing info-categories that hi-light connector
> states + "value" currents + encompass[es] the drench of the social(ly
> wired) with trad_channel jigsawing . Snippetry may deny
> mono>primary>directional>authorial>ownership concepts completely].
> * Wish 4: Purrsonally [hide +]seeking 2 absorb>create>promote
> wurkstates that process|update change + morph constantly in line with
> the enorm[delici]ous amount of in[de]formation being pro[ac]cessed
> everyday; from s[oc_net.d]ens[e.st]ory [overload/sha]rings 2 the
> t[actile]ouch of the delicate - co-opting/rema[sh]king/regurgitating
> it all via [sc]avenging>cobbling>extending
> systemics>techniques>info-bases>knowledge>e[mpathy]xperiences.
> Bio: Mez Breeze [aka _Netwurker_] (Australia)  is a Reality Engineer
> who has had a
> sustained presence in synthetic realities for over two decades. She is
> also an established net artist and game theorist who practices _Poetic
> Game Interventions_ [the creative manipulation of MMO parameters in
> order to disrupt or comment on various aspects of augmented states].
> --
> Renate Ferro and Tim Murray
> Co-Moderators, -empyre- a soft-skinned-space
> Department of Art/ Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
> Cornell University
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: http://augmentology.com
: http://knott404.blogspot.com
: http://netwurker.livejournal.com

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